Lollity lol,lol!

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PLUS member
Flintshire,North Wales
A chemist owner walks into his shop to find a man leaning against a wall. He asks the shop assistant "what's wrong with the guy over there by the wall". The assistant replies "he came in to something for his cough, I couldn't find any cough syrup so I gave him a full bottle of laxitive. "You Idiot" replied the owner, "you can't treat a cough with a bottle of laxitive!" The assistant replied "course you can, look at him he's too scared to cough now".


A family is driving behind an Ann Summers delivery lorry when a large dildo flies out and hits their windscreen. To hide her embarrassment the mother says to the children "that was a big insect". To which her 7 year old son replies "I'm surprised it could fly with a cock that size".


Man in hospital with 60% burns. Doctor says "Give him 2 viagra". "Will that help" asked the puzzled nurse. "No" says the doctor "but it will keep the sheets off his legs"!


Five things not to say in a gay bar...
1, Well f**k me
2, Bottoms up
3, Can I bum a fag
4, Toss ya for the next round
5, Can someone push my stool in


What can a jelly baby do that a man can't?

Cum in 5 different flavours.


You're on a horse galloping away at speed. On your right is a sharp drop off, on your left is an elephant traveling the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lion chasing you.

What must you do in this highly dangerous situation???

Get off the f**k off the Merry-Go-Round and act your age.
why did the hedgehog cross the road ???

cos it was stapled to the fukin chicken

england suk so im pushin poop jokes ,,
remy martin made me do iT !!!!!!!!!!!!!