MCD tyres made easy!

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Flintshire,North Wales
One of our members helped me with a real ball ache of a problem here. It was when I was attempting to put a set of MCD red spot tyres on rims. The tyres are of a really hard compound and stretching them proved a real problem.After stabbing myself in the leg twice and hand once with a screwdriver and 30 minutes late I finally got ONE on! Clive (dgav407) came up with this simple but very effective way of mounting the tyres.....just cut an inch off the length of the inserts! Sounds like nothing but the tyres just flew on the rims without the heartache.
Here is a picture of the tyres with the changed inserts.The tyre on the left has an inch cut-off the insert where as the tyre on the right has not been touched,they look similar but believe me ,it makes a difference.
If you look carefully the the right hand tyres insert bulges out where the left is smooth and flush.I have left the inch there for comparison.
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Ohh i see what you mean, i didn't get were the cut was but that makes sense.. Do you glue your inserts to the wheel though?? I always followed that practice because i heard a long long long time ago that it was the "thing" to do. if i don't have to glue them anymore, i would be more than happy..
Thanks for the tip Clive and thanks for passing it on James
Ohh i see what you mean, i didn't get were the cut was but that makes sense.. Do you glue your inserts to the wheel though?? I always followed that practice because i heard a long long long time ago that it was the "thing" to do. if i don't have to glue them anymore, i would be more than happy..
Thanks for the tip Clive and thanks for passing it on James
No Chris,never glued my inserts and I,ve been on the RC car scene for more than 20 years and never had an insert failure yet.Once these fellas are on and the rims glued you will not have a problem.
no insert failure? not even after cutting them? im glad that trick worked for ya. never really messed with those types of rims/tires. but i have to say that with out glueing the inserts back together they run the risk of "cramming". i have had plenty of inserts explode. even ripping the tire off the beadlock. here is my most recant one from a few weeks ago. this is a hard foam that came apart at the seam. see the tumar?


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That is a very cool idea. I have never had an MCD foam problem, because the faom is quite dense. I do glue them to the rims & I know MCD does the same from the factory. I would bet you would be safe with MCD's that way, especially a hard compound. I did though have an FG stadium tire foam come apart. That truely sucked to have a brand new set of Glued tires with a foam wadded on one side just like that. I did use acetone & get it off, but you know it's not nearly perfect & the wheels chrome in discolored a bit. After another 200$+ spent I mounted a set with the doughnut foams & not strips & have had no issues at all with them.

So many tricks to making the hobby easier. Good to have experienced people to pass on good information.
Krypt, believe me mate the tyres are the hardest I have ever tried to mount! Once they are on they are ON! I have never seen bunching like that what happened to yours.They must have been bad inserts or something.
Hey Looker,you said you used acetone on the rims to remove the tyres,why didn't you boil them? It was a sight easier for me and worked a treat. I don't think you can go wrong with the doughnuts ,good choice.
Krypt, believe me mate the tyres are the hardest I have ever tried to mount! Once they are on they are ON! I have never seen bunching like that what happened to yours.They must have been bad inserts or something.
Hey Looker,you said you used acetone on the rims to remove the tyres,why didn't you boil them? It was a sight easier for me and worked a treat. I don't think you can go wrong with the doughnuts ,good choice.

I've tried the boiling, but never been real successful. These were freshly glued by me & it was a bear to get off even with acetone. Took as I remember 2 days of soaking & working the glue loose at different times. Un-mounting glued tires is definitely my Least favorite thing. I think they should all be beadlocks. J/K but it would make things easier.
I've tried the boiling, but never been real successful. These were freshly glued by me & it was a bear to get off even with acetone. Took as I remember 2 days of soaking & working the glue loose at different times. Un-mounting glued tires is definitely my Least favorite thing. I think they should all be beadlocks. J/K but it would make things easier.

Nice one looker.
I got a set of prolines coming with some hpi wheel adapters...I can't wait to see them on the MCD...
