Motor Connector Question

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I'm in the process of building a 45" jetboat using a 5694 1000kV motor. The connector ends on the motor measure as 8mm. I sourced an 8mm connector set, but the new connectors slide very easily over the spring connectors on the motor wires. I don't know if spreading the tangs/fingers to create a tighter fit is a good idea or not.
The pairs of connectors in the 8mm set have normal friction/fit with each other.
Are the connectors included with these motors a different sizing? I'm a noob with electric systems; virtually all my RC gear is nitro or gas.
It is possible to slightly nudge the prongs of the male connector but they are kind of hard to start to move then break suddenly if over forced. To loose will cause a voltage drop and heat. Raz shefrin has qs8 connectors and had them tested for 1000 amps and in the video a thermal camera shows it's the wire that gets the hottest. Try the manufacturer of your esc to get the proper size bullets for the motor wires, also try to keep the wires as short as possible without more connections between esc motor
Thanks for the info!
I think my best bet for now is to replace the male connectors with those supplied in the connector kit since they have a much better fit.
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