Need help, FlySky Noble pro , complicated programming setup / issues

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Norwalk, CT
Hey guys, anyone here a guru on Flysky programming
I recently switched to the the Noble pro
I have a dual steering and dual throttle/ brake setup programmed in the radio
The Transmitter is on latest software, receiver is the Fgr8b
The start channel is set to 3, so 3 and 4 are the steering servos.
5 is throttle/brake and 6 is brake. Now for my problem/issues
I‘m trying to add the Idle up and End cut.


I’m using the Vr1 switch to activate the high idle and TR3 for the trim,
it all works in the radio and in servo view I see it working but no servo movement.

I tried to use End cut and that even though I see it working in the radio again the has no affect on channel 5.
I installed the killer bee kill switch on channel 7 and assigned it to Sw1 and that works as an engine cut.

I tried to mix the original throttle to Chanel 5 but that had no affect on anything.
I really need some help guys, what am I missing.
Okay guys, well after lots of hrs of trying different programming scenarios I finally got the high idle and engine cut to work with the switch VR1 and be fully adjustable on the fly with TR3. To get this to work I had to start the programming with channel 1 steering instead of 3 and use ch 1 and 3 for my 2 steering servos which gave me back the curve programming. I was able to keep the exact same setup for my steering, being able to adjust the servo centers independently to sync them for no binding during car setup and still be able to adjust the steering rates on the fly while on the track racing with the SW2 / SW3 Paddles.
This all great now, but new issue with the dual servo brake setup I lost the ability to trim the brakes independently.😩
Any guys out there using complicated setups? Pipe up so we can bounce some ideas on setups.

I have another MCD build coming which actually will be needing 3 servos for the brakes and throttle and dual steering servos, at least I have the dual steering servo handled for now LOL
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