New guy with Thunderbolt III

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Well-Known Member
Pittsburgh Pa.
Hello all! I'm new to the forum and new to large scale vehicles. I just purchased a Thunderbolt III from Scott at and really got to say that his help is very professional and he was very helpful in helping me make my first 1/5th scale purchase. Thank you Scott!!

Just a couple questions from this newbie. I ordered it and a Jetpro pipe. Should I break~in the engine with or without the pipe? Also heard that most all RTR's come with junk servo's so what should I look at as replacements? And finally, there is not a whole lot of info out there on this platform which I understand is pretty much new and an upgrade of the TBII naturally, anything I should watch for or do prior to "priming,pulling,and pounding" it?:w00t:
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Hi,welcome to the forum.Get a klill switch .I have a tb3 and I cant say enough about it.Yes Scott is a very nice person to deal with.I race, or call it that, here in chicago and I just retired another platform from the track to just street use,now the tb3 will be my track buggy.Enjoy your TB3 and have fun!
A kill switch and fail sae are two different things. A kill switch lets you kill the motor in the event of a miss hap via the transmitter . Turn off the transmitter the motor shuts down.A fail safe does not kill the motor so if you have a wide open throttle runaway the kill switch shuts off the moter.Hope this clears the air.
I LOVE MY THUNDERBOLT III!!!!! This thing is awesome!Yeah, I know, it's my first 1/5 scale and I'd love pretty much anything I bought, but, this thing is cool! I had a few bugs to work out all of which were pretty much expected and known about prior to buying it. And I gotta say again that Scott at nutechracingusa has very good "above the bar" customer service! Anyway, I was bashing yesterday at a nearby "historical landmark" where the worlds first Bantam Jeep was manufactured and was having an all out blast! I was running on dirt,gravel,small stones,big stones,jumps,etc... and I met head on with a 6'x8'x2' thick concrete barrier and pulled the one front shock shaft out of the eyelet. I lost the spring! Thinking it was big enough to see or find,I searched for a half hour. I gave up and picked it up to take to my truck and go home. I could not believe it, the spring was inside the wheel!!! I reassembled it and went out some more taking it easy knowing the spring may come off again. Wouldn't you know it, this tall moron (me) hit the same barrier with a little more umph and kinda totaled the right front. But besides user errors, this thing ROCKS! I wish I had video cause I'm 6'8" tall and this thing was jumping eye level to me and not bottoming out when landing. Gotta fix it and go again but only after I baby proof that barrier!!!
Yes the best one but pricy.Ok if you have one platform,but for guys like me that have more than one platform(6x$60=$360)it becomes pricy.Have fun.

well I have killerbee switches on all 5 of my gassers, 360 isnt bad to cover well over 6k of investment.
I thought I totaled the front end when I hit that huge concrete block. I tore it down yesterday and found that only the little metal screw insert in the steering knuckle was violently ripped out! The hole in the knuckle was not broken so I mixed up some epoxy and pressed it back in with my vice and a 17mm socket in the hub hole so I didn't crush it. Let it dry,put it back together and ran it pretty hard and has been holding up good! Of course, I'll order a new one but gonna let this run as long as I can!!!

Is there any need to boil the arms? I read in another forum that this hardens them?
I thought I totaled the front end when I hit that huge concrete block. I tore it down yesterday and found that only the little metal screw insert in the steering knuckle was violently ripped out! The hole in the knuckle was not broken so I mixed up some epoxy and pressed it back in with my vice and a 17mm socket in the hub hole so I didn't crush it. Let it dry,put it back together and ran it pretty hard and has been holding up good! Of course, I'll order a new one but gonna let this run as long as I can!!!

Is there any need to boil the arms? I read in another forum that this hardens them?
They get softer and more flexible not harder.
hi i am considering the tb 3 as a newbie myself. it would be amazing if you could do a review of it. i think it may be the first review on youtube if you do. i believe alot of people would like a close look at it along with some running videos.
I wouldn't be very good at doin a review as it is my first large scale and first rc purchase in 15 years. From what I understand, it is the same vehicle as the TBII but a few upgraded/new parts like dual steering servo's, different drive cups and dog bones at the wheels. Weird that the TBII had alloy front and rear chassis braces and the TBIII uses plastic ones? Oh, and it has a 27cc CY 4 bolt engine. I posted some short cell phone vids in general large scale under snow driving post.