Redcat Racing Visit Today

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Well-Known Member
Chandler, AZ
I went to see Redcat Racing today in Phoenix. They are almost ready to release the buggy and Monster Truck, and I have to tell you they look pretty good. No pics, I was just driving past their office, so I stopped.

The buggy looked like it had all the right aluminum in the right places, and the plastic looked strong enough to take some abuse.

The monster truck is a huge animal, probably the biggest 1/5th scale to date. When I saw it, I thought is was a 1/4 scale sitting on the floor, so I walked right past it. The tires and rims are huge, with a Chevron pattern.

Hopewfully, we can go bashing with them in the next few weeks, at one of the local AZ-RCFreaks bash grounds. I'll see if they will let me take some pcis and movies out bashing.

Look for them to be released at the end of May!!!

[url]Redcat Racing RAMPAGE[/URL]
Sorry I missed you Rob but was great talking to you on the phone.

Looking forward to some weekend bashing to put the Redcats through the ringer.

If anyone is running in Phoneix this weekend April 25th/26th, shoot me a PM as I really want to get some more opinions on our new 1/5 scale models.

Redcat Racing
Sorry I missed you Rob but was great talking to you on the phone.

Looking forward to some weekend bashing to put the Redcats through the ringer.

If anyone is running in Phoneix this weekend April 25th/26th, shoot me a PM as I really want to get some more opinions on our new 1/5 scale models.

Redcat Racing
Darin, would you be interested in postins some pictures of them, I am interested.
that looks a nice bit of kit :cool2:but wheres the helical gears then just like the mcd and the gas devil or is that an option even the fs has these
i don't want to go it to one (argue):no: its just a ?
Our current production models currently do not have helical gears, we are working on a lot of different options for the vehicles and those may be available soon as an option and may become standard.

The vehicles coming out next month our are first foray into the 1/5 scales and there will be changes & modifications over time.

The current models are rock solid, we have beat the heck out of them and our pricing will be much lower than MCD's and Smartechs. They should land somewhere around the FS pricing when we officially set pricing next month.

Of course time will tell how our vehicles are accepted in the market compared to others, but our goal is to offer a good product at an affordable price where you don't have to spend hundreds just to make it reliable and fun.

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now thats good news then what were the names agian ha ha :lol:i read the mail yesterday on rcu bloody hell thats alot of names well done redcat and i think you and company will be needing a well deserved hol keep up the good
this 4wd market is opening right up and about time to how many is that now
6 4wd big scale cars i believe sorry 7:2guns::cool2:
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I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me it looks like an MCD and the Titan had a child. It does look good and can’t wait to see how it is received. Redact, you really should consider putting it out in a kit form. It seems to me like the majority of people who use large scale RC like putting their vehicles together themselves; at least I know I do. Good luck with you truck.
+2, and you could offer a two prices to get it out to even more people. I'll tell you that most of the hard 1/5th scalers and most of the old timers would rather put it together then buy it in a box rtr.
Putting kits together is half the fun. I like the build process. I envy the ones who build the Baja5b, I wanted to build a 1/5th but the ONLY one that is offered in kit form is the Baja and I did not want one, personally, I don't like them. I bought a FG, it would be so awsome if all the mfg.'s offered all their models in kit form. There would also be alot less UM shall I say less than educated questions.

Do it Redcat, I will buy one just to have one to put together.
I don't know what their plans are, but the mroe I talk with them, the better it sounds. We'll be having a bashing party next weekend, I'll take pics and videos of the action. Bajas, FGs, Mutilator and the Redcat Buggy and Truck will be there.
A kit is surely something I want to do as well, and that may happen later, but we surely will offer a roller by years end. No engine, electronics etc..

The design is something different for sure. It is not a clone of anything. It is more based on our 1/8 scale vehicles just a heck of a lot bigger with some changes.

I was approached by one of the factories in China about a year ago that is making an exact copy of the Baja, but my plan with Redcat has always been to create a brand and not just take an exact copy of something and slap our name on it.

This year and next will have tons of 1/5 offerings from a lot of companies as there are so many factories in China jumping in to the game because they see an opportunity. It's going to get messy, but will also get allow a lot of people to get into large scale where they might not have been able to afford it before.

Thanks for the comments.

Well, I am impressed with the Rampage buggy. I got a chance today to burn some fuel with it, and it does seem like a winner. Looks like the mix of plastic and aluminum is a good fit for this one. Thick plastic for a-arms, and aluminum in some needed areas. My money will be on Redcat to come out as the winner in the 4x4 wars this year.
you ll love that motor Rob. its pretty ripping with a dom in the baja. im thinking of trying a new jp side pipe.

but the motor will run well an any pipe. great torque and good topend too.