New Vekta owner!

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Hey John do you know how to turn off the lipo cut off on that switch by any chance and do you have any pics of yours installed

I still am having the same issue when I plug in my lipo and I have tried a few the harness gets really hot.The servos are working just fine and the Rx is brand new out of the Futaba box.I tested the Darksoul direct power harness and it seems ok continuity is fine and only the right wires are carrying current when power is applied.The wires get warmer with just the battery connected but after you start pulling power to move the servos then the harness starts getting toasty.The heat begins at the lipo and travels down the harness almost like the lipo can not supply enough voltage
Oo, that's not good. How do the connectors look? Nice and clean? No burn marks or anything funny looking? Normally hot wires means resistance in the system. If it's just the connector getting hot at first, id be inspecting that hard.
I am totally lost at the moment the entire lead coming out of the lipo to the new switch is getting hot.The switch Rx and lipo was switched and it is still happening.I am really confused and I can't seem to come up with a reason why it is happening.

John yeah I have the SkyRc one but I will look at the Protek directions maybe they are a bit easier to understand?
I am going to try the servos one by one to see if maybe one of them is bad and causing this issue.The lead from the lipo is where the heat gets really bad and to the point of burning you and it happens when the lipos start getting low on voltage but I don't know why.The switch is next in line and they are all brand new and all are different from different manufacturers.
Reading about the servo issue that you had. I had a similar issue a while back with my dual steering servo setup. I didn't know about the DarkSoul power harness so I ended up cobbling my own together. I did end up switching the battery connector and connectors to and from my switch to mini Dean's instead of the servo connectors which allowed me to use larger GA wire (16 GA I believe) up to the point where I spliced to go to the individual servos. The wires going to the individual servos drop back down to 20Ga. Seems to work as I have not had any further issues.
Yeah guys later today I will try to get her running but I am going to have to pull the exhaust off due to surface rust from sitting soo long.The exhaust rust isn't a big deal I will have the shop blast the inside too or maybe I will acid wash it instead who knows.I'm cheap so I may just scotch brite it myself.

Hey cardarear I had two issues with mine the power wiring and Hitec servos suck really really bad because with my 7PX they twitch like a crack fiend jonesing for a hit.

Thanks guys for the friendly welcome back. (y)
Hey for all you RcMax guys are any of you guys running a TGN prefilter on the Ramair filter supplied with the engine or are you guys just putting an outerwears on top of the Ramair.I have run the TGN on top of a filter with an outerwear on top of the TGN.Just wondering if too much prefilter outerwear restriction will choke the engine?
Well the RcMax motor started on the second pull so that is a great sign.The truck seemed really sluggish on the low end especially from a stand still but mid to high end seemed really good.low end may have a bit too much fuel.I tuned the needles high to start off I figured the 990 carb would need to be tuned a bit higher for the motor.

I had the servo link come loose and the battery lost power so I will take a look at that later today to get out tomorrow and see how she runs.I am really new to this so I may need some help from you guys on tuning this beast.I can say that the exhaust is insanely loud the thing sounds like a 250 dirt bike.I was surprised at how easy it broke loose at half throttle.I don't even want to know when its tuned right and at WOT how squirrely this thing is going to get.the truck has got to be close to 60 lbs and the rear end was swinging all over the place so I am pretty happy so far.I have to say this thing fired up really easy even easier than my DBXL.