This has got to be a scam!!!!

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This is on a few local forums now. The GTA guys know about this and we will see what happens. I have a few ideas of who it may be but right now I'm just staying at the sidelines so to speak.It's interesting how these could be sold for 1/2 the retail price you see in some stores.
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This is on a few local forums now. The GTA guys know about this and we will see what happens. I have a few ideas of who it may be but right now I'm just staying at the sidelines so to speak. It's interesting how these could be sold for 1/2 the retail price you see in some stores.

Thats less than half the retail price.Also keep in mind that this is in Canadian dollars and no taxes!!

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Hey the ad is non active anymore cant send any mail to them but it is a good deal for sure.

Is this for real or some kind of a joke
Hey the ad is non active anymore cant send any mail to them but it is a good deal for sure.

Is this for real or some kind of a joke

Its gotta be a scam if its now inactive.E-mail is the only way you can make contact.If that was a joke,someone really needs a life.

guys i seen his ad last year. i emailed him a few times he never got back to me and then a few months later he says i am on a list. if ur on HBF hes been replayin 2 a few guys and yea his add is gone now off kijji.

Kijiji = KRAP!!!!!!!! I seen a 1/4 Yankee on there that was sold on e-Bay, I know what country it when to, yet the supposed seller was halfway around the world and selling it for less than 1/2 of what it sold for. Yea Right!!!!!!

too many A -HOLES out there with nothing to do but TEASE US .

I was shocked to see the price this low .

You know what they say if its too good to be true it probobly is.
I'm from the UK so cut me some slack if i sound stupid but i don't get it.
He has a baja ss for $800 and towerhobbies has it for $870ish.

Am i missing something here ?
I'm from the UK so cut me some slack if i sound stupid but i don't get it.
He has a baja ss for $800 and towerhobbies has it for $870ish.

Am i missing something here ?

Prices where much less before. Bought something like 100 units or so.

At first $800 Canadian was for a 5T! :eek:mg::eek:mg:

Also $800 Canadian dollars is about $650 US dollars and he was charging no taxes!!

It says for pick up only so if you can open the box and check then a 5t for $800 is a great deal....but how do you sell a 5b ss and a 5t for the same 800 do you have to buy one of each at $2400?? then it's not such a great deal and I bet they charge tax on pick up...there's a catch somewhere