That looks really cool!:cool2:
Have you kept track of the amount of time you have in to it?
Oh no, I know that I got a ton in it though. When I first got it it was supposed to be rtr, ready to repair I think the seller thought rtr meant, for it showed up nasty, dirty, caked in crud, missing screw, wrong screws, and wood screws, and then when I asked for the radio for it was rtr, was told I could buy it off him if I wanted it. I do know it took me 9 days of 10-12 hours each day just to strip it and clean it all up, and then to get it where it is at now was just here and there when ever I got a part, or traded for a complete broken down mad force with parts I needed, then made other mad force trucks on the side selling them off to try to make up some of the money I was dishing out or trading off.
Due to my health though I got nothing but time so I try to get broken down stuff, mainly Kyosho, and fix them up to keep, or sell off doubles of what I have just to give me something to do. HOWEVER this one is not going to be sold. I have enough parts to make another mad force, and my buddy stationed in Japan that I built 2 modded mad forces for, wants to send me his 2 and sell them for him. But this one is my baby, have too much money and time in it, and the wife bought me parts for it as gifts so it will be with me forever. The only thing left after the steering id like to do is get a K5 Blazer body for the bronco body is for a hpi and it is broken. Other then that not much else I can do to it, got about every hop up there is for it.