Are there any large scale magazines??

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I agree that there would be a cool idea to have a large scale mag, but think about it the practicality.

FG has only a few truly different vehicles (touring cars, F1s, off roads), and most are just body swaps. HPI has only one and then you have some smaller 1/5th scale companies like HARM and MCD and a few 1/4 scale companies.

So in one issue, you'd have them all reviewed if you try to review ten models like the other mags do.

Then all you'd have left would be race coverage. And races are few and far between.

You'd have enough content to write about two magazines per year. Then try to find the money to run the magazine and the money to travel to the races spread so far out.

It's just not feasable to have a large scale only mag.

What would be nice is a bit more coverage in the three major mags, BUT due to low manufacturer participation you won't see much.

All in all, until the manufacturers start promoting more nothing much will happen. HPI is doing a LOT of marketing, FG, HARM and the like do almost nothing. Look who's selling more now. HPI is selling more by FAR compared to the others and it's all due to good marketing and a new innovative products priced right.
I agree, theres just not enough out there for a 12 or even 6 month issue run. What would be nice is if they had a special issue. Maybe twice a year, heck even once a year with all of the Large Scale action, features, whats new, reviews and tech info. Those issues would be a top seller. The magazine companies would see the popularity of this and want to get more involved. Another thing that would be nice is for people (us) to e-mail more interest in seeing Large Scale. They have been featureing more Large Scales lately (well at least in the last 6 months), FGs Hummer and DuraTraxs MT.
It will eventually catch on, its just going to take some time :).
All of the magazines are starting to spend more time on Large Scale. Look for some cool articles over teh summer in several of the regular magazines.
My guess is most will be on the Baja or the Duratrax line of vehicles.

FG isn't well known for giving parts or vehicles to review.

I'll welcome any focus on large scale though.
Just a thought but what about an online type zine? Saves most of the printing issues, allows for contributions from worldwide and could be via subscription to cover costs. Maybe 6 issues could be possible this way covering racing, setups, tuning tips, aftermarket parts, etc plus 1 or 2 vehicle reviews per issue as well as advertisements to help cover costs. I realise lots of this info is already available on this forum and others as responses to threads but a nice glossy magazine with photos and articles that brought it all together would be nice.
I know I'd be happy to subscribe if the content was decent.

Just a thought but what about an online type zine? Saves most of the printing issues, allows for contributions from worldwide and could be via subscription to cover costs. Maybe 6 issues could be possible this way covering racing, setups, tuning tips, aftermarket parts, etc plus 1 or 2 vehicle reviews per issue as well as advertisements to help cover costs. I realise lots of this info is already available on this forum and others as responses to threads but a nice glossy magazine with photos and articles that brought it all together would be nice.
I know I'd be happy to subscribe if the content was decent.

I agree with you bud plus a mag online would show the pruduct off real well pushing sales
I find it pretty sad that the new Mini and micro R/C cars have dedicated special issues from numerous magazines, yet the Largescale vehicles do not get as much attention.
I agree, its pretty disappointing they don't have any Special Edition Large Scale magazine. Yet they have one for the Minis. Whats wrong with this picture. It would be nice to have even one magazine a year with all Large Scale features, tech, special events, hop-ups, etc,,,,,

Will this ever happen?
I think that although there is a smaller market of the large scale R/C I think a Magazine is feasible. Just look at how much info we write about on this site, be it painting, modifications, parts swapping and general how to's. And although out hobby (Largescale) may be small you could increase content by adding another segment, be it large-scale boats or whatever. This may all sound to good to be true but if you have an informative quarterly magazine / Pamphlet there could be some interest and support without much loss.
I don't know if there needs to be a specific magazine for LS but it would sure be nice to see a review or so per issue. It is coming, I am new to LS and there are many since I came, so the hobby is growing. Ine day we will get our wish.
Years ago i had a subscription to a mag from modelracer. It was awesome. But at that time lack of interest and stuff to put into it they called it quits.