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Well-Known Member
Ypsilanti Michigan U.S.
I found this forum after lots of Google searches...(there is a thread about this in the archives)

Since I discovered this forum, I cannot count how many Large Scale vids (youtube vids) I have responded to... In about 90% of the videos I have watched, I have mentioned this forum...

So, how did you find us? Was it Youtube, other forums, search engines or was it something else?

I found this forum after 27 pages of Google searches... (Back in 2007) I became a member, after the first post I read, it was full of great information and I felt like I had found a home...

I started asking questions to, BiggerTheBetter (BTB), Timmaahh, Chop Suey and Woodie (I am sure there are others, if I forgot your name, please don't take offense to it!)

They answered my questions and didn't make me feel like a Noob! They encouraged me to explore this hobby and made me feel like part of the gang (Thank-You guys!)

Everyone of the guys (and girls/Nicky) on this forum, I consider as my friend! I have asked questions, to pretty much everybody and I have never had a negative reply. I cannot explain how much I have learned about the largescale hobby because of this forum!!!

I consider everyone on here to be one of my friends!! When you guys/gals come by, the beer is on me!!!

When a new member comes aboard and everyone says, "Welcome" ...We aren't kidding!!! Welcome to the best Damn forum on the Internet!!!

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I found this forum after getting back into Largescale and buying an FG MT, a few Google searches and presto I was on here. :D Since then its been a wealth of info and also like a place to hangout on those evenings inside, like a big family!

I look forward to more videos and gossip over the coming months!

I thing it all happened about 7 too 8 months ago..from another forum
member Hellya..I was in RCU forum where it all started for me with the 1/5 scale
If I remember correctly Hallya said This LSF Forum would be very helpful to me
with the knowlage from other members here....I am not sure but I think Bigger The Better
was one of the first to help answer some questions on my firehammer....
Since the past 8 months have gone by..I have had my firehammer apart about 20 times
and have repaired what was broken and made up grades along the way
along with some modifications along the way.....
So I guess you could say I am some what of a guru on this firehammer...I know it inside and out and can answer most questions about the firehammer

I also consider every one here in the forum as my RC Friends....on the inner-net
Have not met any one in person as of yet..but that would be a plus for this old man
Just my 5 cents worth today..............Slawhammer............
I joined HBF back in Oct 2006 just looking around at RC's. I had been out of RC for a couple years and had the nitro bug. I looked at the HBF site and thought..."too expensive". So I went with the Losi Aftershock. Then I started to research the Duratrax Firehammer MT around March 2007. Found some stuff at RCU, then somehow, through searches or a link, found this place. I like it better than RCU by miles. Everything is separated out nicely. People are nice. With RCU, you don't know what you'll get.
when HBF was growing, it became obvious fairly quickly the OTHER SITEs for large scale RCs were dated, and out of touch with its largescale community. the wisemen over on HBF seen a HUGE Need for an ALL INCLUSIVE, Large Scale Forum, thus we got LSF!!!!

Thanx Rob, Woody and all the others. you have certainly answered the calling for what was needed next in the world of Large Scales by building LSF!
my view....

i first joined the forum early 08 found it by browsing google randomly,and just browsed around for a while and left it at that didnt spend much time here at the time,then as my intrested started to grow so did my lust for knowlage lol so as it happened found my self checking out this forum again and signed up AGAIN as i forgot my password and name i had choosen and here we are still posting up new threads by the thousand weekly :lol:

its a nice forum with a lot of easy going people and as 1/5th scale sometimes is rare enough hobby all over i think it makes perfect sense to gather up here on this forum all of us from all over the world and discuss what we love most FG BEETLES !!! lol hahah no just messing 1/5th scale r/c, those beautifull machines that i could spend night and day working on...

as you mentioned it trip sinse i joined here i cant believe the ammount of threads and posts i have started,must have put thousands of man hours in here lol

good to be here folks and you all keep up the good work!!:clown::gunsmilie:
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I was a huge RCU fan at 1st. That's where I met Timmahh, csp1971, hellya and others here on this forum. I soon watched the ones that I admired and asked questions too get baned due to pot stirrers stirring up crap. I also watched hellya get bashed huge after helping hundreds of people with problems. Mods were not pleasant and when they started deleting my posts because of things I mentioned in PM's. Thats when I had it.
I know someone on here told me to try it out. I forgot to put there name in the spot to give them credit for the recommendation or I could go back and see.
I never posted again on that forum and became a member here and really DO NOT miss that ranting and raving or that dang "b%$%ss" you know the one with a jet for an avatar......

Thank you guy's for making the best, down right awesome, forum for Large Scale!!!
good work and well said!!

Thank you guy's for making the best, down right awesome, forum for Large Scale!!!

well said bigger the better!

and thank you for helping us to help making this the best forum in the world for large scale machines,good work lads!