I have Had it!

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Well-Known Member
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Santa Fe, Texas
:no: More RCU! http://www.rcuniverse.com This last time they Deldted my post for no reason given to me this time. I wish I could get a lot of the guy's from there to here! I did learn a lot, but the Administrators or Mod's are. Well I wont say any more Yall know if Yall have been there.They need to be :nuke: I know this is :off-topic: But if yall know any of them get them to come here! Thanks, 9-29-2006-25Medium.webp
alot of people have come over from rcu, me included :) i got sick of the overall attitude and recently lack of informative threads.

i think we should send some ninjas in to hijack the rest of all the old members and bring 'em over here:shuriken:

boycotte rcu :dots: then put the administrators in front of a fireing squad :2guns:
i came from rcu too but it was more of the bitching cant be bothered with that hate people who think they are better but hey u get it all the time in everyday living
E-Mail Them

:) Hi All, They deleted a post where I used RCU sale spot in my post with a link to it. Then I started a Poll Should they "Administrators" delete or not delete a link to there own sale site & it got deleted. Last night when I got off work I startrd going to some of the Guy's Profiles & E-Mailed them about this site trying to get more over HEAR! I hope more show up! Hi ChopSuey, I all most was thinking about getting away from it, but then the FG ST Tires & insert's came in so I started mounting them to the Beadlock's & they look great! Thanks to All! & Yall can E-Mail them also, maybe they will come over. This is a good site I would like to see more people come over here! & Then :2guns: the Administrators or the Mod's. On RCU LOL
alot of people have come over from rcu, me included :) i got sick of the overall attitude and recently lack of informative threads.

i think we should send some ninjas in to hijack the rest of all the old members and bring 'em over here:shuriken:

boycotte rcu :dots: then put the administrators in front of a fireing squad :2guns:

i came from rcu too but it was more of the bitching cant be bothered with that hate people who think they are better but hey u get it all the time in everyday living
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Hey Scooter glad you finally realized the mods over there suck:( I am banned so can't get over there to recruit:clown:
I usually,once a week or so, send the two poophole mods Ken and Howard emails letting them know just how much they really do SUCK.:lol: :lol:

Amen, You hit the nail on the head! :celebrate:
Hey Scooter glad you finally realized the mods over there suck:( I am banned so can't get over there to recruit:clown:
I usually,once a week or so, send the two poophole mods Ken and Howard emails letting them know just how much they really do SUCK.:lol: :lol:
Yea, RCU sucks a$$. I still visit, but very seldom do i chime in at all over there and more.
Hey scoot, I'm with you buddy.
I have visited from time to time but, its getting old, fast.
Hay Tig

Hi Tig,:cool2: E-Mail all U know through there Profile on RCU & Tell them about this Site. That is what I am doing! You know who to invite & not. Take it easy, & have a Great 1. F11-23-2006-06Large.webp
I to was doing the same thing, PMing Baja Owners about the HPIBAJAFORUM as the ass hats at RCU were posting such Flagerent BullSHIT about an RC they never owned. I had RCKen, or as i call him WAIST OF HUMAN FLESH, pm me saying the PMing members and linking them to other sites was ILLEGAL per RCU Rules. i TOLD Him to SUCK MY CO*K, My pms are MY BUSINESS, that HEs FUGGING MORON and don't have the Intellect God gave a Gnats Ass, and how could he be Qualified to Moderate a Forum when it Obviosly isnt Intelligent Enough to Whipe his own Ass properly.

needless to say i was banned shortly there after!!!! LOL

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