Just ordered this guy

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excellent stuff mate, i bet you're like a big kid at xmas time!

there's something about VW beetles, the shape is like nothing else. they're great :)

i'm sure you'll enjoy it and i hope you come up with a fetching colour scheme..
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! As for the color scheme I am going with some yellow and black. Most likely this style


But perhaps the inverse.


Also trying to find some 1/5 scale appropriate decal sheets, may something with a bee on it. If any one knows anything tell me. Final decision will be whether to throw a wing on it. Still up in the air on that one.

I started RC a little over a year ago coming from a scale model background, I finally wanted to build and tinker with something that moved ;-) I bought a T-max and have done a few bodies so far, the latest a school bus ( I know more black and yellow)

But the scale look of the Baja and Baja clones called me. I just wish they had some kits that would let you raise the truck higher and put some more monster truck style wheels on it. I have a set of wheels for the T-maxx that lock onto the axle pin. I think if I drill the hole a bit I could get them on but I doubt they would hold up to long.

Final complaint is the limited amount of different style bodies :-( compared to the T-maxx and 1/8th scale trucks the 1/5 only has like 3 different styles. I would love to see an f-650 in 1/5. Might have to break out the vacuum former ;-)
yeah, choice of body shells is fairly piss poor at the moment. perhaps there'll be more different shells available in the future, it's still early doors yet for 1/5 i suppose. as for decal sheets, there's no end of them on ebay.

i like ya colour scheme, yellow's great for on the track too, really stands out!
Much respect to the Starwars and the 501st! I have seen them at comic con a few times here at the Javitz center, my son has a heart attack with excitement seeing all the storm troopers.

Truck arrives today, and also my new bottles of Fascolor and Liquid mask. Stayed up to Midnight last night cleaning up the workshop to have a clean space to tinker! Also picked up some Coleman Fuel, octane booster and 2 stroke engine oil. So I am chomping at the bit!
you really love star wars don't you!

i reckon a star wars paint job would look sweet ;)

uhh yah, i do, im in the 501st vaders fist, a world wide costuming club that does charities for kids, in fact im due to make a appearance in my VADER costume for a make a wish kid who loves SW. his fav is VADER, so being the only registered Vader in all of oklahoma in the 501st, i get the call.

i also have a stormtrooper as well, i know a lil off topic but here ya go:

this is me in my costume:
this is my trooper:

not meaning to hijack this thread or anything but explaining why i love SW so much. even george lucas endorses the 501st and is honorary member as well. i do this to put the smiles on the lil ones faces, nothing like seeing a wide eyed open mouthed kid stareing at me when im 6' 7" in Vader costume walkin up to them, and speak with my voice system to them. i do it all for the kids, and thats what matters.

but yah a SW themed bug body would be cool, check out my other thread here that shows my recent woodster body i did as the general lee if noones seen it yet.
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Dude you are 6'7? wow that fits the vader vibe perfectly. Also from what I have heard about the 501st most guys scratch build there costumes to meet the standards of the group, did you scratch build alot of your costume?

Also here are the pics of my new toy. All I have to say is wow, I don't think I fully grasped how big this thing was. When I took it out of the box I was like wow, this is borderline ridiculous. The kids were loving it, the youngest who is 2 trying to ride it.

Two pics below, one of the Lexan getting all liquid masked up, going to lay some paint down this afternoon.

Also a question, How do I verify if my engine is a fuelie? Is there any markings I can look for beyond an obvious sticker? I want to make sure I got everything I paid for.

Besides that everything looks great, I don't see any apparent assembly box jobs or any quality issues. So far BroncoRick on ebay has been very responsive and he said he would check the buggy before it shipped to make sure everything was inside. Which it seems like he did. I know some people here I believe don't trust him but so far no problems. I probably would have bought from Dan who is more local to me, but Alas I had already ordered it before I started fully reading all the threads here.

I will post more once the paint job is up and I run a tank through. That will be the real test of craftsmenship ;-)


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One moment to late buddy!!! I already started painting it this scheme

Damn I love that look.

Also I am having some trouble starting it up. I have spark, obviously air. I have transmitter and receiver turned on. There is a red light that shows up on the KM chassis when I turn on the remote. Steering and throttle servos work.

Also whoever said that the pull start stock is a piece of Sh*t, no kidding ;-) But in this hobby stuff like this is par for the course sometime. Since I am having trouble starting the engine, I bent that washer that is in the pull start. Luckily I have a Gas hobby place nearby that seems to specialize in helicopters and Baja's whooo hoo! So I picked up a new one with metal teeth.

So still no start, but the body is coming along nice, any suggestion that people have would be great, I am running coleman fuel with a 25:1 oil ratio which in my opinion seems a tad dark..

By the way this piece was in my KM box but nowhere does it say what it is. Does anyone know what the hell this thing is?


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One moment to late buddy!!! I already started painting it this scheme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3XWD1IEraQ

Damn I love that look.

Also I am having some trouble starting it up. I have spark, obviously air. I have transmitter and receiver turned on. There is a red light that shows up on the KM chassis when I turn on the remote. Steering and throttle servos work.

Also whoever said that the pull start stock is a piece of Sh*t, no kidding ;-) But in this hobby stuff like this is par for the course sometime. Since I am having trouble starting the engine, I bent that washer that is in the pull start. Luckily I have a Gas hobby place nearby that seems to specialize in helicopters and Baja's whooo hoo! So I picked up a new one with metal teeth.

So still no start, but the body is coming along nice, any suggestion that people have would be great, I am running coleman fuel with a 25:1 oil ratio which in my opinion seems a tad dark..

By the way this piece was in my KM box but nowhere does it say what it is. Does anyone know what the hell this thing is?

i said the stock pullstart was crap, get one with the collar around pawl and no more issues. and im 6' 2" tall but in vader costume i push the 6' 7" mark due to the dome height, it adds inches and make me appear taller
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With the Vader costume, I would be 6'10' then. Ed, how much was your Vader suit? After I went to CIV I wanted to get a Trooper Armor set, but the Price for me to get a set would be quite pricy since the ones they make are too short for me. My dad went to the tryouts to be a storm trooper for Star Wars: A New Hope, but he showed up late and was turned away.

Ed, it is very cool that you do the appearances for the Kids. The 501st is a very honorable organization.
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With the Vader costume, I would be 6'10' then. Ed, how much was your Vader suit? After I went to CIV I wanted to get a Trooper Armor set, but the Price for me to get a set would be quite pricy since the ones they make are too short for me. My dad went to the tryouts to be a storm trooper for Star Wars: A New Hope, but he showed up late and was turned away.

Ed, it is very cool that you do the appearances for the Kids. The 501st is a very honorable organization.

:eek:ff-topic: can you keep the Star Wars topic in the general chaos please lads.