clive where are you in England, are you in London area
and i agree thats not a track its a football pitch,if anyone is ever in manchester England, contact me i will show you a track, this is a secret place, that not many people know, its great we make our own tracks, theres hills to jump streams to though, jump over streams about 3ft wide, my marder as the record of 18 feet high jump and lands perfect, followed by my friend nearly 18 feet, my marder rolled down a hill the other week straight into a stream the water was 4/5 inches deep and the marder still went, we just laughed and said its a marder thing lol, we are hoping we can say the same for the Race Runner, my friend who as just bought the evo2 RR is quite impressed as i am, as we where the first to have them 2yrs ago but sold them after 6months things kept breaking he had diff gears that drilled them selves, balls popping shock forks/rods breaking,as did i minus the diff gears drilling, my main mains 30/33 kept smelting, that was put right, well his buggy is going though its paces very well at the moment, we have been out 4 days yesterday and again today so thats 5 time in a row and nothing to complain about yet ,today he's going to some little jumps,if he doesn't chicken out lol, so i will post some info tonight on todays outing, im very impressed, but i will wait for the evo3 very soon just getting the funds up