Radio specktrum dx3.0

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Orlando, Florida
Just bought one yesterday, how well would this work on a boat? I originally bought it for a off road car, but am considering using it in a large scale boat as well.

I am real new to R/C, and I know you are old salt on boats, so please don't take this the wrong way, I don't doubt you, I just don't understand. I thought that the spektrum dx3.0 had more range than conventional radios, it does seem to have alot more range with my baja 5b. The boat I am purchasing has a fm radio with it, and its made by futaba, and I am sure not opposed to using the stock one. I just wonder is there a difference on water as opposed to running on land?

thanks man

Yes I am old as salt!!! It is ok to say that in this hobby. I am not offended at all. Anyway, all I have to go on with this subject is talk of others. I have NO personal experience. I attended the gas nats last spring at houston and one boat went wild using the system you are referring to. another guy used it the whole race and had no problems. There are VERY few willing to take the chance after many have tried it and lost a $1000 boat to a rock bank, or something as bad. You must also consider the liability of a 16 lb boat going from 40-60 mph and out of control on the water. I have seen this many times with bad batteries, lost antenna, etc and it is scarry. A failsafe is good to help with this but I am just not willing to take the chance.

Good Luck from the old piece of salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CRR thanks a bunch. I think Ill stick with the stock radio for now then, as I just am not willing to risk the boat I just purchased, hell the paint job alone is about $500 and Im just not willing to risk that.

Hey Recon, I have the JR 3 which came stock with my shock wave, I get great range and no interference. I am going to consider this year adding a motor kill switch to the 3rd channel.
use this on my boat and never had any probs will go out of site and still be in range try doing that with the dx3

supper bit of kit
