Several questions after my first 2 hours of running.

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The rain finally let up today and I had a chance to go out and bash 2.5 tanks. I have several questions.

The engine seems to be running great but I cant seem to find what I expected out of the bottom end. Its not what I believe to be bogging down but just doesn't have any kind of a hole shot in her to speak of. I was running on a sparse grass hard packed soccer field. It wouldn't brake traction from a stand still but would at about 1/4 throttle. The low-mid to high end just rocks. I messed around with the tuning and couldn't get the low end to do any better. Is this what its like or do I need to do something different?

There is a noise coming from the engine or the clutch. Trying to describe it, its like a tiny little dinner bell. I hear it at a stand still or off power. Is this the clutch or clutch bell? Is this normal?

Decelerating with a feathered throttle, NOT an off throttle, I get a gurgling noise (backfire?). Goes away at acceleration or off throttle. Normal?

Im using an outerware pull start cover on the front of the PS but how do I keep crap from entering the back of the flywheel? At the end of the day it was compacted with grass. I had to DIG it out with a long thin screwdriver. It was like dumping a lawn mower bag. I couldn't believe how much crap was in there. How do I keep this from getting filled up like this?

Lastly, doesn't this engine ever heat up? I was running WOT and at no time was the engine ever to hot to hold my finger on for an extended period of time. The outside temp was about 63.

Sorry for all questions but...... I have a lot of questions. Im so used to nitro and the way they run. Gas or in this case, lantern fuel cars are all new to me.
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No pipe needed yet. Its still breaking in. Give it antother few tanks for the rings to seat, and you'll notice a difference. To notice a huge difference, you need an x-can or tuned pipe.

The tinging sound is the clutch bell. May be sand or dirt in the bell. Blow it out after every run, and it will last a few gallons.

Do you have the outerwears pull start cover? Grass is a hassle without one.

The backfiring will go away after its broken in and tuned better. Sounds cool though!!!!

The engine will not overheat during use. May overheat if you let it sit for 1/2 hour on idle, but probably not.
Eddy the booging is the norm with the stock exhaust but you should be spining of the line.
1 take off the stock muffler and tear out the guts it helps alot.
2 after 2.5 tanks its time to start tuning a little better a little at a time these little guys take a while to loosen up.
3 The ringing noise is norm to its the clutch bell it either has dirt in it or its out of round pop it off and blow it out should go away.
4 the back of the motor has vent holes in them I used some outerwears material and siliconed them over the holes it helps alot.
5 the heat up is probably your jetting sounds really rich thats why no take off power.
HPI has a tuning video on there web site its pritty handy for the new Baja owners.
Hope this helps ya some everything you had q's about is all pritty common q's so the more you run it the better that motor will get just be easy leaning her up for performance don't go to far and you'll be fine.
fyi these needles are MUCH MORE sensitive than nitro needles. 1/12 turn at most i usually try to work with 1/18 turns. you can turn 1/2 a turn on a nitro and be ok, on a gasser is can be sure death.

like yama said, there are 4 large vent holes on teh back of the flywheel case, get some breathable material or screen meshing, and glue it over those holes. thats where 80% of the grass/debris will come from. be sure the material you use is quite breathable, as those holes are also the majority of your cooling flow too. you ll need to pull the motor to do it unless your REALLY GOOD or a gnome, and can fit there without takeing the motor

i agree your jetting is rich atm. the gurgleing you mentioned on decelerating is a que that its still rich.

Grats on the success of your first runs. another 2 tanks and the motor will start to liven up even with the stock ungutted exhaust. if you guy your exhaust, use some type of open unrestrictive stinger to help keep crap outta the exhaust and outta your motor.
after a good first 5 runs your engine will begin to bed in and you will notice a real big difference in performance and power, enjoy
Thanks gentlemen!
I took a look at my clutch bell, its a bit out of round. That must be the tinging Im hearing. Ill figure out a solution for filtering the rear of the engine, thats not a biggie for me.

Tuning will take a while to get dialed in. Im sooooo used to nitro it will take some habbit braking to get into the groove.

As for gutting the exhaust, do I go pro-choice with a screwdriver or a coat hanger from the intake and exit ports?

When you say an "Unrestricted" stinger, are you saying something as large as the exit port without any bends in it?
As for gutting the exhaust, do I go pro-choice with a screwdriver or a coat hanger from the intake and exit ports?

Take the exhaust off and get out your needle nose pliers. Pinch the netting inside and pull from the intake side. Clean out the inside with something like rubbing alcohol to rinse out the small parts that get stuck in the oil. At least this is what I did to my FHammers. Really does make a difference even in sound.:)
4 the back of the motor has vent holes in them I used some outerwears material and siliconed them over the holes it helps alot.

On the G260, which should be close to all the rest. There are so many ways crap can get in that I gave up and make sure to blow out the top plastic that covers the head with a air compressor. This should keep the head free of debris and run cooler.

Timmahh, you had some great pictures a while back of how you did yours with some landscape felt. You still have those?

As you can see my rotor got trashed by a rock that came threw one of the holes in the back side and took out a few blades.


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Whats inside, some kind of mesh baffling? I'm to lazy to go look at the moment.
Just wondering how much of what I need to watch for as I'm digging out the unwanted.

Asking questions like this brings me back to the stock pip on the first release of the T-Maxx. LOL I remember asking how to remove the baffle. O-my, how far we have come, and in this case it looks to be full circle. Im asking the same question.
On the G260, which should be close to all the rest. There are so many ways crap can get in that I gave up and make sure to blow out the top plastic that covers the head with a air compressor. This should keep the head free of debris and run cooler.

Timmahh, you had some great pictures a while back of how you did yours with some landscape felt. You still have those?

As you can see my rotor got trashed by a rock that came threw one of the holes in the back side and took out a few blades.

Heres his pics I don't think he will mind me tossing these up for ya.Also heres those handy little filters I was talking about.
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yup, Harris' motor with a lil adaption. actually the material is from a roofing product for peak venting. but land scape material may work pretty good. its important to be breathable as this is where your motor gets the majority of airflow for cooling.
elmers spray adheasive. cut the pieces to size. sparyed the pieces a few times to get a good amount of stick to them. the last time i sprayed them i stuck them in place for a second to get some of the spray on the case, then pulled it back off to let it tacky up good. then put it in place and let it dry.