140.00. The counter person Fugged up the pkg size. or purposly did it and then fixed it after you left ,and put the 80.00 differance in his/her pocket.
like RCNUT said the box had to be BIG.
and im talking eihter longer than 69 inches, and wider or taller than 32 inches.
if box length is over 69 inches long, it gets charged to the next larger box size.
same goes if its wider than either 28 or 32 inches, with shorter than 69 inches long.
UPS works off of dementional weight. ie, any box of this x this x this size, COULD weight up to 89 lbs, but only weighs 30lbs. USP charges you as if that box does infact weigh 89lbs. so basically you could fill it with 40 lbs of brick and it would be the same cost. as long as its under a certain weight for any perticular size box.
and im serious about the counter guy overcharging you and then correcting it when your gone and pocketing the change.... its a scam that some lowlifes have used in the past. i wouldnt doubt that some do this, as it could be very lucrative.
but its probably nothing more than UPS trying to screw us americans like the German shipping companies screw there peeps too.