Shoe Goo under the shell?

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I was just wondering who put this stuff under their shells and how well it works? Anybody got any steps to follow to put it on? Would insulation tape work as well?

basically just smear it on. it kind of self levels itself if you do it fairly quick. you don't want to be working it around too much or it will start to set up. works very well but adds quite a bit of weight. not too much of an issue in a 20 lb plus rc. anyway this typically wont prevent cracking or breaks just prolongs the body life a bit. what i would do is just wait until it breaks or cracks and repair it accordingly.
MCD Race Runner.
Have you guys heard of the tape method? I might do that around the gears and parts that rub. I figured it would not prevent the shell from cracking, I am mainly looking for something that won't scratch the paint off.

i saw a super strong scotch tape at home depot i think ill place it on and sho goo over it and see how it works, i have a bashe beetle body id like to get some life out of.
Is Shoe Goo a brand of contact adhesive???

I have never heard of it in Australia, but looked for it on Google and it appears to be contact adhesive. Might try some contact adhesive on the cracks on my shell and see if it works.
Is Shoe Goo a brand of contact adhesive???

I have never heard of it in Australia, but looked for it on Google and it appears to be contact adhesive. Might try some contact adhesive on the cracks on my shell and see if it works.

It is a brand of shoe glue for repairing the soles. Here is a sample of what you are looking for:
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its actually more of a rtv than anything, just not as stout and has better holding power than most RTVs you ll find for like bathrooms or window/doors.