tourning bodies?

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tri city mich
why are touring bodies so mucH? you can get 1/10 scale bodies for 30, i could see a bump for material but wow, 170 bucks?
Less volume is the killer there. I'm doing a Trophy Truck body out of lexan, and the low quantities are killing me. To get a good price, I have to order 500 at a time. Then rent a big storage building to keep them for 3 years while they sell. I have to add that storage into the cost. My accountant is going to freak out.
thats a good point, never thought about it that way.

Less volume is the killer there. I'm doing a Trophy Truck body out of lexan, and the low quantities are killing me. To get a good price, I have to order 500 at a time. Then rent a big storage building to keep them for 3 years while they sell. I have to add that storage into the cost. My accountant is going to freak out.
They are also much thicker than 10th scale bodies, ever try cutting one with a pair of standard lexan scissors???

I'm trying to find a local place to pull some low volume bodies for me before I decide to attempt to make my own vacuum former...
why are touring bodies so mucH? you can get 1/10 scale bodies for 30, i could see a bump for material but wow, 170 bucks?

Yeah, I was none too pleased when I discovered what it was going to cost me to buy my Porsche 911 GT1 bodyset for my FG. I payed $230 just for the bodyset...

Coming from 1/10 and 1/8, it's a shock, to be sure. You start searching, and discover that the bodysets are not the only inflated cost. I payed $130 for a set of replacement ball 1/8, I came close, once, buying CVDs for my Tamiya TGR to the $100 mark ($79), but until my FG those were the most expensive dogbone replacements I had ever seen.

LOL...but wait! There's more!

Also, FG isn't a U.S.-based company. Shipping stuff over the pond is not cheap anymore, especially with oil prices in the stratospheric, so all that filters down into our spare and hop-up part purchases. Sucks to be a consumer, right now. Anyway...the reasons are many, only some are good excuses, I am sure.

Though, I will say this: I was sorely disappointed in the decal sheet that I had to pay $25 extra for my Porsche GT1 bodyset. No numbers, no sponsor decals (except for the 'Warsteiner' windshield valance), and no graphics. $25 for headlight, tailight and number plate graphics. To me, that is not only a rip-off, but a shame for FG. Bad FG! Grrr!
Speaking of decals...does anyone know where I could find the decals to finish my Porsche 911 GT1? FG shows completed photos on their site, can I assume "someone" has them?
here is one of my big $ bodys. I also have a Mustang and a Lambo. body
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