New to1/5 Scale..Slawhammer's Project

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Fg Springs

Well almost ready to do the rebuild of my car project.....
My good canadian friend...Pipeous sent me some springs for my shocks...
It present time I am using Fg Std Red shocks with 50 weight oil......
Sliver are the rear springs...Black are the front springs...
Next is to get the springs installed on the shocks & see how they work out on
my car...I want just a small amount of bounce...I will try using a single shock..
I may need to use two..But will see how this works out.........
I have just about every thing ready for a complete change over for the Fg taper chassie pan.....I will be 99% Fg for my car....For now the A-Arms are still FHMT..Plastic...I need a weak point for breakage if hit some thing or stupid hole.............
enclosed pictures.........Slawhammer
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Well almost ready to do the rebuild of my car project.....
My good canadian friend...Pipeous sent me some springs for my shocks...
It present time I am using Fg Std Red shocks with 50 weight oil......
Sliver are the rear springs...Black are the front springs...
Next is to get the springs installed on the shocks & see how they work out on
my car...I want just a small amount of bounce...I will try using a single shock..
I may need to use two..But will see how this works out.........
I have just about every thing ready for a complete change over for the Fg taper chassie pan.....I will be 99% Fg for my car....For now the A-Arms are still FHMT..Plastic...I need a weak point for breakage if hit some thing or stupid hole.............
enclosed pictures.........Slawhammer

i use those springs on my leopard matey and they work really well, but they wont let you fit 2 shocks as the springs will catch :no:
I have been going thru my rc parts...I think I have every thing for the new rebuild
I am going to use a Fg taper chassie pan....Making some improvements and some
small modifications to my car....As most of you know form the thread I started out with a Firehammer Mt..but most of it has been converted to the Fg Madrer platform....Now
great experence's along the way....So the new rebuild will take place soon
I know this is old hat too some of you Rc guys...But for this old man..I get great
enjoyment from the build.....keeps me active...busy mind & hands......
then to run the rc when done....Run your rc car....see what give's and breaks.....
Hoping that not much breaks down....being on a shoe string budget.......
So cheers my fellow rc friends...........Slawhammer
nah, the build is the fun. I get razzed all the time for having toys and spend more time wrenching than I do driving them. modifying and making my own parts is a big reason I like large scale.... I ws sent the wrong steering arms rod ends so heading to the hardware store now to get some hardened threaded rod. I'll make my own steering rods and use the million 8mm rod ends then

if you need anything for the build just let me know.
Hey pipe..About the only thing I see missing is a set of Fg Plastic upper arms(wide hole)
for duel shocks...I have FH Plastic Upper arms...For single shock...I think I remember
sending some arms to LSF- Member...Trip in MI..which never got replaced or paid for....
think other wise I have pretty much every thing.....Be all new Fg roll cage and support system as well...still staying with the beetle that shell for roll overs...
pops right back up on the wheels....Rebuild will be mainly the Fg chassie pan and alloy front end...some changes for the electronic's...may have to use 3 radio box' much
stuff when using lipo batteries.....Thanks pipeous..I will let ya know..Slawhammer
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nah, the build is the fun. I get razzed all the time for having toys and spend more time wrenching than I do driving them. modifying and making my own parts is a big reason I like large scale.... I ws sent the wrong steering arms rod ends so heading to the hardware store now to get some hardened threaded rod. I'll make my own steering rods and use the million 8mm rod ends then
+1 pipe mine seems to be in bits more than i drive it :clown:
You guys are correct..most of the fun is wrenching on these small cars ,,buggys
trucks planes ..what ever you have for a Rc unit......
Well got to my last rat box of spare parts...I have 4 different box's of paert all by whats for the rc car...shocks ..a-arms...balkheards towers..ext.... elecrtonic's...
My current ldea is to go with duel steering servos...I have the tie rods of different size's
But I am going to have to get a rhino digi 4 mulitplex...I have 1 I use now but need to get a second one.......I know sure as heck I will need some thing else once the build
begins...Seems to always be the much planning on what ya would like to do for making improvements.....That reminds me better check for new balls for the m8 eyes
for the A-arms...All parts will be going into a box for the new rebuild....Like I mentioned I have parts in 4 different box's.....Pretty know what I have already..........
so stay tuned in..more to come with pictures....Slawhammer
Well here is is Dec 19 in Ohio Usa...First real measurable snow fall.....4 inch's during the
night....Normal there is just rain and frozen ice..with maybe 1 inch of snow......
prodiction for today 6 plus inch's of snow......I am not from Ohio but a trans plant here
do to work situation....State of Wisconsin is my real home state....Yeah cold & snow there...When it snow's there it is 18 to 24 inch's at a time with temp's of -49 below zero
So I don't miss that part being more south..........This is all in general....
Need to go further south...warmer weather.......Cheers my friends.....Slawhammer
Well here is is Dec 19 in Ohio Usa...First real measurable snow fall.....4 inch's during the
night....Normal there is just rain and frozen ice..with maybe 1 inch of snow......
prodiction for today 6 plus inch's of snow......I am not from Ohio but a trans plant here
do to work situation....State of Wisconsin is my real home state....Yeah cold & snow there...When it snow's there it is 18 to 24 inch's at a time with temp's of -49 below zero
So I don't miss that part being more south..........This is all in general....
Need to go further south...warmer weather.......Cheers my friends.....Slawhammer
Bleedin' hell,that is cold! Wrap up Roger.
Yeah Voo Do that's why I moved further south...still get small amount of snow
here..But mostly rain & ice...winter time temps here are approx....+5c to -5c
for about 90 days..then the temps go up.......Think after the christmas hoildays
here I will be starting the rebuid...Looks like maybe the get the kick off for the new year......Winter time is the time for me to rebuild or build some thing...
rest of the year is some what nice and should be out running not fixing...
Cheers my friends........Slawhammer
UPDATE: My build will be on hold for some time....I will not be here in the forum
for awhile...I have a couple of personal things to sort out....
one being no place to live...Slawhammer
Thanks Pipe....what a hassle working in snow..have 4" on ground and still coming down
yeah as to my camper..the support jacks were froze in the ground...I even had the on pads...and not just dirt...with some struggle it all came loose...then had to get the legs
off the screw jack...froze...Now junior being a smart young lad...took the screw jack
fired up the propane for the turkey fried...laid the screw jack across the flame...
sissle could hear water ....after about 5 minutes..spray down with wd40
let kid.....I have been busy's ...
so took about 30 minutes to get the camper on my pick up truck.....
and about another hour to load the camper with all my box's......
so you might say every thing I own I can get in a pick up truck.....
I will be heading out in the morning....yeah snow storm they say.....But I have no choice
I should have access to inner net in a day or two.........
Now as to my build project..that will be on hold for a bit..until I get situated...
So..Old slaw don't let stuff get to him that bad....There is always away too get
it figured out........
Yes alot of you guy here in the forum also seem like family to me....I have know family
it is just me....the joy of this hobby guys in the forum your my family....
Hope to check in again in a couple days....Slawhammer
UP-DATE: thanks CPS..Yeah what a trip..driving in a snow strom...couple
white outs....But arrive safe at my place of destination for now...
as of late midnight was able to get inner net access again...dec29
I will be here from time to time now as I am trying to get situated for now...
this is just a temp thing for me to stay where I am at the moment...
thanks for all those of you that care about this old man...
It will be good to start the build as soon as I can.....
I will keep in in the forum...................Slawhammer
UP-DATE: thanks CPS..Yeah what a trip..driving in a snow strom...couple
white outs....But arrive safe at my place of destination for now...
as of late midnight was able to get inner net access again...dec29
I will be here from time to time now as I am trying to get situated for now...
this is just a temp thing for me to stay where I am at the moment...
thanks for all those of you that care about this old man...
It will be good to start the build as soon as I can.....
I will keep in in the forum...................Slawhammer

Just got this thread read and well Slaw....take it easy mate....we will be here when you get sorted.
Take it easy mate....and stay safe.
must of missed this thread for a few days :no: glad you got there safe slaw mate hope all goes well mate and you get settled soon

chat to you soon brother take it easy :cool2::cool2:
Well charlie many barly pops for you...
Not much to up date here.just getting settled in a little....
before I have to go thru this again....Slawhammer