Servos and ait filter wet

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Well-Known Member
Anything can happen to engine if driving with soaked wet air filter? It run like crap, like overly rich, when dried all back to normal.
I figured plastic bag on air filter will do the job and it looks like it works.
But more importantly my servos got.water.inside and stopped working. They are Rovan Lt non waterproof servos. As soon as you dry them electric inside they work again like nothing happened.
Now that's fine but it's like almost 2h of work, I have to figure something to make them waterproof, but need cheap solutions as I'm broke af 😂
I already did some silicon in cable area but to no help. Idk where they leak.
Dip them in plastidip? Would prefer something else but it's that's only option so be it, bit maybe u guys know some DIY ways to protect servos from water.

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Yeah I guess I kinda answered myself 😂
Found cheap K2 rubber in spray, people give it good opinions but say mechanical resistance is weak, ori plastidip cost 2x more I'm wondering if it's worth for sealing servos to buy ori...
Btw gotta give props to these servos they stopped working from water like fifth time I think and they still work perfectly 😂👍🏿
Plastic bag is a no go, outerwears is hydrophobic and still breathes.
While buying overpriced brand stuff is a no go, that gives me genius idea... just waterproof my air filter cover! I'll spray it with dwr that I waterproof my boots, should work, it's just material after all
@Roni92 so depending on the twill or weave of your filter cover, (which I have no idea what your using) your water proofing spray is probably ment for material that is not breathable. Meaning the space between each strand is ment to allow air to flow so your spray will not cover or block those holes.
At least with a outerwear, you can wash and reuse it, the cover on my air filter is two years old, & still doing it's job, only thing is that the elastic lost its elasticity
I just put a rubber band over the elastic end, work's like a charm
You can spray a couple coats of silicone spray to outerwears and it does work to repel water. Dosent make it waterproof but does work to repel water.
So, to solve all the mystery - it works, kinda.
After I sprayed some water directly on it, it showed typical hydrophobic behaviour - single drops of water and mostly flows down without soaking the material ,quite impressive because fabric on that cover is very sparse.
You can also see it breaks through on where pressure is applied.
After driving it was kinda wet but much less than earlier and mostly on the bottom.
So it's not complete waste of time but also not complete solution also. It helps, after driving 2hours non stop in wet conditions engine behaved correctly and never bogged.
For very wet conditions id still use plastic ziplock.bag smartly installed to act as.airbox.

As for servos I used regular fast drying silicone in tube on all body connections, time will tell if it works, but if water is entering through servo gear, it won't, there needed to be proper oring, can't seal that with silicone.
Don't drive in wet conditions 😅😂🤣
I don't know in what paradise you live in but here in Poland it's almost non stop rain and/or snow from December to end of march, and I ain't waiting for spring to drive/test stuff😂
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Holly Dolly Bud, have fun cleaning your rig down, after getting my rig muddy once, I swore never to get it muddy again, different climate altogether over here in Australia 🦘
You could try making some plastic guards, coming up from the angled bits on your chassis, in front of fuel tank & in front of the servos, to stop a bit of the mud & wet grass clippings that get flung of the front wheels, might help
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