Traxxas monster buggy wheels

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Looking to upgrade the wheels and tires I’m assuming the hex is 24mm, anyone have any links or ideas on a set? This is what is on it now, and on the fuel tank I think I can get away with just replacing the two fittings where the lines come out.where would I get them? Or if anyone has a tank I’ll buy it, Thanks 410065CB-61A2-42C6-BDBD-5B93E708D2DB.jpeg
The wheels that are on that are from a cen genesis 7.7 and yea any 24mm hex wheels fit. Also any pictures you can provide of the tank so we can see what needs to be replaced?
Thank you I will get that picture up right now. Thanks for the help and those tires that are on it right now I had stored away and they were out in the weather somehow and they’re all cracked and split so I’ll probably just get another set of those they look pretty cool on their butt. Let me get that picture uploaded real quick.
The wheels that are on that are from a cen genesis 7.7 and yea any 24mm hex wheels fit. Also any pictures you can provide of the tank so we can see what needs to be replaced?
I might need a cap also I’m not sure where this one is but the main thing is the fittings that the hoses go into I’ve got new hose with filters. It came with the new carburetor, but those fittings are all dried and cracked..7DC32C5C-834B-4462-9C25-6C02FA84683E.jpegBE0C0F8B-F412-49E6-A359-401ADFEB7DE4.jpeg