V3 raminator (blue waffle) build

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Just watched the vid on Youtube before coming on the forum, quick reactions on the steering to avoid that collision. It does look geared too low but then its a mud truck not a speed truck. Sound very nice though

Yea My gears are flipped, need to switch them back to how I had them. Luckily it's my work car, but would have sucked either way lol.
Don't they say to run the vacuum and make all sorts of noise when ya bring a newborn home so they stay asleep well?... Maybe that's the same for new neighbors? Run the piss outta your rigs so they get used to the noise! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

That's true, my baby though was seriously a light sleeper. Breathing would wake her
Installed axis quick release kits, took 2.5 kits lol. Also got the brake servo working by mixing the brake setup as I am using the hilantronics killswitch, and the 7px setup. 20220305_162237.jpg20220305_181311.jpg
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Didn't Mike already let the cat out of the bag on the titanium trans parts? I saw on post on facebook where he mentioned some parts...
I never did get the whole "secrecy" thing when it comes to new stuff for our hobby
We are playing with toy cars, not dealing with life or death state secrets!
Only thing I can think of is so the company/manufacturer can keep it secret to get the jump on the market. But I am a proven brand guy. Taylor RC develops and manufactures solid products that Mike stands behind. So even if a third party made the same part...my money is going to Taylor RC for that part. Im a big customer service guy. Especially with the amount of money we put into these rigs. It also generates "hype" and buzz around the new product. Shoot here we are discussing a product and we don't even know what it is. Lolol!
For sure, I will buy a product from someone like Taylor before I get some junk China knockoff
Years ago lots of the orig manufacturers who made parts for the hpi Baja got screwed over when the “clone” parts started showing up from China manufacturing
I always advocated on buying the original parts even though they cost more
Sadly most of these parts are no longer available and I blame the China clone market for that
For sure, I will buy a product from someone like Taylor before I get some junk China knockoff
Years ago lots of the orig manufacturers who made parts for the hpi Baja got screwed over when the “clone” parts started showing up from China manufacturing
I always advocated on buying the original parts even though they cost more
Sadly most of these parts are no longer available and I blame the China clone market for that
Many times they ask to keep it this way because then People just blow their emails, phones, and messenger up asking about it. Other than that, there isn't really any other reason.