Just wait after flooding?

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Fired up my new 30.5 1/5th Rovan buggy today for the first time, to break it in.

Primed, choked till it popped, choke off, started in 3 pulls. Great.

Let it run for 5m, shut down, cooled off for 20 minutes.

2nd time did not prime - there was fuel in the line. However, with the choke on, it did not pop. Nor would it start after I finally turned the choke off. I'm sure I flooded it.

I'd rather not pull the plug, etc. If I decided to just wait for the fuel to evaporate, how long might that take?

2nd question: What's the proper warm start procedure?
Gas does not evaporate in an enclosed engine, you'll be waiting for possibly months. You need to pull the plug and flip the rig upside down and pull the pullstart to evacuate the pooled gas.

Warm start is no choke and it should fire in 1-2 pulls. If it sits for more than 5 minutes a cold start procedure is required.
I was thinking that too.

I did the low-speed needle trick - just turned it all the way in. Engine started immediately, and I even kept it running as I backed the needle back out.

Thanks on the starting procedure. I was forgetting that these little engines cool down very fast!
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