4WD FG Baja. Who has one?

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Having seen one in the flesh last month I'm disappointed with it and unfortunately for FG it will not sell in great numbers.

Apart from the fact that it's very expensive (overpriced?) here in europe it's still an basically an FG Marder - the wheelbase is way too short, making it useless on loose dirt tracks even with 4WD.

I'm sorry if my post upsets any FG Baja owners (or potential) ones but like mcdracerunner (hi stevo) I have been racing and bashing on and off road largescale cars, trucks, buggies for some time so have some idea what makes a good product.

The FG COMP Evos and F1s are excellent products so they can make topline racers...
it looked ok id like to see one up against a mcd for comparison also there one for sale on this forum it brand new in box too
hi pwiacon well i think this will give mcd a run for there money wats the price tag on that one then here over in holland they are going for €1788

buy the way i like the paint job real nice but a bit jumpy at the back end don't you think
well all im wating for is for fg to sell the converion kit so i can change my fg mt to the 4wd hope that will be very soon

real sweet
Here are a few videos of my Baja Comp. So far I am very pleased with mine, I really wanted a buggy I could build myself and I wanted 4wd.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jZK2-YQN0M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tDOkgaAnGs

Hey man I was wondering what kind of wheels and tires are you running on that thing? They give that baja a more aggressive look. Also since you've had it for alittle while do you think it was worth the money? I own a MCD and know how it performs, does the FG 4wd do pretty good? Very nice car!!!!
Thanks Sickboy, the Baja comp’s are going for around $2800 here in the States which is about €2070. See you’re getting a deal in Holland, you should pick one up. It was a little bouncy where I was driving, but that can be corrected with different shock oils and springs to suit that particular terrain better.

Pete379, they are FG Stadium Truck wheels and I agree they do give it a more aggressive look. Would I buy it again? Absolutely, I enjoyed the build a great deal and I feel it is a quality buggy. As far as the money goes I think it is a good value for everything you get. And let’s be honest if I were really worried about the money I would have never got into this segment of hobby to begin with. So far with 6 tanks through the buggy it has performed excellent, I too also have an MCD which I also like but I have to say the FG takes to the air much better than the MCD. My MCD is a pre Evo version so I can’t speak on the new Evo 3’s.
Well I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it so much. I also agree on the MCDs, I'm looking for something that is more of "edge of your seat" kind of driving. I love my MCD but to me they are more designed for racing and what not and I guess you can say the FG is more bashable or when you want do wheelies or watch you car go crazy over a grass field. I was thinking about the Fg baja like you got or I also like the FG MT because of the ground clearence....plus FGs are built like a tank. We'll see what happens, keep us posted on how the baja does and especially if you have any problems with that belt drive. By the way love the paint job!!!!