Gas RC Car Cleaning!

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So, I broke in the 1/5th 30.5cc Rovan yesterday and today the whole family had a blast driving it.

And now it is FILTHY!!! First, running it in the lawn got dead grass *everywhere*! I took off the body parts, but grass still clogged the wheel rims, starter housing, and every single nook & cranny.

How do you guys clean these things? Pressure washer? Compressed air? Both?
I just realized that a pressure washer is not likely to play well with the electronics.


(Driving thru our muddy ditch was a mistake.)
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I personally use wd40 and an air compressor. The wd40 left to sit works pretty good as a de-greaser, others have used simple green but I'm not a fan as I would think you need water to rinse the simple green off. I'd stay away from water as your bolts and other hardware will rust also the bearings will lock up from the water too.
That won't do when you've run the buggy thru a muddy ditch... I guess the lesson is, "don't do that!"

(Instead of WD40 for a degreaser I use Ballistol. It works great on gunz and everything else.)
i use any cleaner (like simple green) and a garden hose on jet mode and it works great, just don't force the water onto the electronics. The electronics are usually waterproof anyway but if you want you can cover them (also cover air filter). Dry off well with a compressor making sure to get the bearings and spray bearings with wd40. After that you can spray the rig with some wd40 and wipe it off well for a nice shine if you want, this will also help with hardware rusting if you won't dry off well enough.
Depending on how muddy everything is. If it is really caked on with mud/dirt/grass, I often times remove the steering/throttle/battery box, bag the air filter with a ziploc bag and rubber band and go to town with the pressure washer. Drying it off after with the compressor and air nozzle.

But to prevent mud from sticking, I often spray the entire rig with WD-40. I had some co-workers laugh at how on rainy days at the muddy job site they see me spraying the soles of my boots with WD-40. But when I reach the office I am not wasting 5 minutes trying to scrape the inches of mud collected under my boots, just a simple quick kick to the concrete curb and the mud slings off.
Is it possible to bag the steering/throttle/battery box too? I haven't really taken one of these things apart yet. (I did take the carb & pull starter off to clean them really well.)
I soak entire vehicle down for several days upon purchase with wd40. I don't soak electronics or engine, just use some common sense.This process lets all plastic parts absorb the wd40 makeing them more pliable and less likely to break.When cleaning use compressed air and old tooth brush. Get some Outerwears covers at least for air cleaner and engine, simply best investment you can make.I have 4 year old losi 5t 2.0 with original air cleaner that still looks brand new but am on second set of outerwears. You don't need to repeat wd40 treatment just spray on metal parts you get wet after cleaning.Been doing wd40 soak for years and has saved me tons of broken parts.
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