here is the website
And here is the c/p of what I found on rcuniverse
I have a few of these machines which i imported from china to the UK but they are not branded FS RACING i meet a manufacturer at shanghai toy fair in oct 2007 he assured me that they had manufactured them i have the 2WD buggies and the 4wd monster truck i know its a copy of the MCD but is it made buy the company i meet or is it made by FS RACING? Does anyone have a website address for FS racing? Im pretty sure its made by the company i meet and possible branded as a FS RACING machine? Or have i been mislead and its the other way aroud? Any info would be good on this???
Anyway like i said a have 4 2x 2wd buggy + 2 x 4wd truck we have had them out 6 times now and and they have broke 4 out the 6 times. Firsty on the first shot within 30mins the monster truck when mental and stuck on full throttle ending up in a bush destroyed The is no fail safe on these so a stray signal or low battery can make them go full throttle ahead with no stopping it BEWARE!!!
Once i bashed the chassis plate back into shape and rebuild front end i ran a tank of gas thru without any issue on the next outing the GWS servo failed on both the truck and one of the buggies after replacing agin on the buggy with another GWS it fail again after 1hr use. The 2wd buggy only has space for one servo unlike the 4wd buggy and truck which have space for 2 like the MCD. The trucks arrived with only one servo they definately need two those wheels are big and its a must. So after purchasing 3 nice HITEC servos 1 for buggy and 2 for trucK we realised the servo hole was sligtly smaller and only Takes GWS servos another bad idea there is only 3mm difference so we filed it out and got them in since then the steering servo issue has been fine on both truck and car, might i add the other truck has ran with one GWS and hasnt failed!!!
So back on the track with 2 trucks and one buggy as the 2nd buggy has now been basterdised to death to keep the others running an expensive donor indeed but worth it for the fun factor. These things shift faster than anything ive seen are are quite well made apart from the electronics issues and some minor bad designed bits they have cut corners on from MCD.
So.......sorry am i going on a bit ahahah thought you guys might be interested before puchasing one any so after approx 4-5 hours use we started seeing play in the wheels on the truck which very quickly lead to the whole hub breaking off!!! the buggies are fine but the green monster truck wheels are really rubbish ive contacted my guy in china and they have fixed he mould and made it better the plastic was only 2mm where the wheel hub connected to the wheel you really would have to be stupid to design like this but they did.
So with 2 wheels down it meant one wheel was robbed from one truck to get the other running and the other buggy basterdised then there was 2 so out we went with 1 truck and one buggy after another tank i rolled the buggy at about 30mph it landed on its wheels but the throttle servo stuck on it then went mental flat out and rolled about another 3 times it was painfull to watch and i have it on video so will post it on you tube soon the end result was the throttle servo fail but it held up quite well considering.....The there was one we took it to show someone and fired it up in the street after a few mins again the trottle servo stuck it went on a death trip into parked car and hit the steel wheel and then there was none? When we got it home the throttle servo was burn out and frontend wasnt to bad. So after 4-5 hours we have kill all 4 of them 2 wheels destroyed 2 steering servos and 3 throttle servos various a arms etc but i must admit its been fun All in all with the following changes it is a great piece of it you can get enough off infact its took over my life for the past 2 weeks hence why im on line at 1am looking for info and better bits
So to round up the second generation i have order have these changes
1. New wheels
2. Fail safe fitted
3. New FM transmitter as first version were AM
4 Dual servo on both truck and buggy
So it looks like the ones i have are FS racing sold through a lying git at the shanghai fair who said he is manufacturing them typical chinese ive been dealing with them for 4-5 years now and they will tell you anything there are so many agents pretending to be manufacturers its real hard to trust anyone.
Anyway to answer some question the machines are awesome and me and my mates haven't ever had so much fun we really were kids with new toys for the last 2 weeks we have been obsest with these things my mate actually said he woke up at 4am in the morning and went to get a drink in kitchen and before he knew it he was fiddling with the truck hahahah (Sad i knoW but thats the effect they have) Unfortunately most of our time has been in the workshop fixing the damn things but its part in parcel of such a toy esspecially a chinese one so if you aint willing to do it then save up for MCD
I haven't seen the car yet as the guy at local go kart track is a bit of a plank so not got a track to play with them on so we went for the off road versions. I have to admit im really hashy and gave them a real test to destruction rolling them flat out crashed and bashed them into each other and apart from the electronics they held up very well, they are tuff and well made.
On a head on truck V car the 8mm tracking rod snapped before the plastic A arm in fact the arm was fine. And on the 30mph into a bush a thick one at that the chassis plate bent before any of the plastic arms so they are tough for sure, the plate is very easy to bash back so with 30mins it was as good as new minus the carbon fibre look a like coating. Obviously its part of my job to test them to destruction as need to know how good they are before i buy hundreds. Its a hard job i know
So to sum up its thumbs up as long as you are willing to get the electronics fixed but like i said we couldnt find anything that would fit into GWS holes in top plate so the HITEC 805 was the closest which needed moding to fit.
Will get the youtube video up this weekend where you can see some of the destruction