Quick video to pass the time

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This is of my Traxxas Jato. Video quality is not the best and my girl could not keep up with the truck but you can def. get a feel of how quick it is. She did a good job for her first time. First here is a picture with the new tires on before the outing.

Here is the video. I know it is not large scale but something just to pass some time.
I sold both my Jato 3.3s to get my Baja I had them all tricked out.One was my parking lot queen and the other went everywhere.The 3.3 for the lot was stupid fast I had to add a little weight to the front for top speed runs.That thing would hit seacond and flip strait over.I had alot of fun with those.
I smoked alot of onroad guys with my Jatos.

As soon as you get your Baja you will saying what Jato??Oh ya I got to list that for sale lol...
That thing is so fast a wheelie wasnt good enough. It goes up on one. Man If that thing was five times bigger and gas powered I would be all over it.
That thing is so fast a wheelie wasnt good enough. It goes up on one. Man If that thing was five times bigger and gas powered I would be all over it.

Yeah it def. requires good throttle control. LOL That video was done specifically to show the power with a good tune. I was running around 240 degrees in that video at the plug. :2guns:
Watching that reminds me of my old Schumacher 21 EXT 3e! Do you guys remember those? 1/10 truck, yellow STEEL chassis, 21 thunder tiger and a 3 speed.

I think your Jato would whip me though, I can't control the damn thing!! It's not very fast upside down. he he
