Rock Crawling

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Anyone else in here into rc rock crawling. I have a Bender SW2 chassis for 2.2 rig rc4wd beadlocks and all of the goodies. I never thought such a slow car would be so much fun. Crawling is very addictive and I can't wait to get back out there and hit the rocks.
Yeah Im into it alittle . I have a RCGUY Gecko Pro 60/40 and I just bought a Pimp Cane ( still on the way from run2jeepn ). They cost alot to get parts up here unless you fab your own . Still worth the expense for sure .

Not the best pic . I don't have too many pics. Ill have to change that !
Picture 032.webp
Oh and I know the body sucks . Old nitro one I had laying around.
I'm building a 2.2 right now. Tlt-1 with BBY racing 60/40 3 link chassis and a stampede tranny with Moabs. I'm still waiting for my 55turn lathe motor.
I want to build an HPI Wheely King into a 2.2 crawler also. Already seen some on the net. Bunches of flex right from the get go. Install the 4x4 conversion, make it longer and lock the axles and wala, affordable crawler.
I have one that Ive been building since the beginning of winter. Ive been in the same spot the last month or so.. Ive been debating selling it Save for a Baja..
I got a scale 2.2 crawler it is of course tlt based. I have a set of alum beadlock rims on it that helps a lot on keeping the tires on the ground.
Maxx crawler

Since getting the Baja, Tmaxx was less and less used. So stripped the maxx and built this.

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Thats awesome. What chassis is that? I would love to find one like that.
Thats awesome. What chassis is that? I would love to find one like that.

the chassis is one of a kind. It was a good friends first tuber that he built and I got it from him. I remember asking him if it was strong, so he said stand on it. I weigh in at 200lbs and the chassis didnt move or break so of course what came next was... "I'll take it!!" LOL
Originally Posted by wl6
the chassis is one of a kind. It was a good friends first tuber that he built and I got it from him. I remember asking him if it was strong, so he said stand on it. I weigh in at 200lbs and the chassis didnt move or break so of course what came next was... "I'll take it!!" LOL

Thats what I figured, it looks too good to be a production model.
Do you know what its made of?

I run a JPS chassis with Clod axles. Old school baby!

But it's tons' of fun.

I want more articulation out of it though. Besides removing all four sway bars, anyone have any tips?
Thats what I figured, it looks too good to be a production model.
Do you know what its made of?


made from 1/4" automobile brake tubing that is brazed together.

hpiguy- I can move shock positions on links(sliding to front or back) and it changes the articulation alot. don't know if this helps ya. Get a pic of your rig so we can see.
How strong is the chassis being made form brake line?
I'm gathering some DOM tubing to use for my project.
How strong is the chassis being made form brake line?
I'm gathering some DOM tubing to use for my project.

Very Strong as stated before. I can stand on this chassis with no harm. Also, have rolled,tumbled and flipped my Maxx Crawler down several flights of stairs with no damage except for the cheap paint I used.
Originally Posted by fastflee
I am starting to look for a crawler

Have you had any luck?

I'm waiting for mine to arrive. I have three different chassis' on the way. Two are for parts, I'm going to attempt to build a tuber. This will be my first crawler build. We'll see how it goes, if all goes well it will be an older Bronco tuber. If it doesn't go as planned, then I'll have enough parts to build a rather capable crawler. Either way, it should be a fun little project.
Nice, sounds like a plan. I have seen some nice Wheelie King builds.
Have you been on , great site for crawlers with tons of info.
They have some pretty cool videos. Wheelie Kings are pretty capable crawlers.