Steering problem

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Lisboa, PT
Hi, I am with a problem, I have a FG TM with a Rhino and when the car has the wheels oin the ground, it moves the wheels to slow. What it could be?

servo saver to tight? if its not on the servo itself.
also check the servo is moving properly when not hooked up to the steering whiper set. check all your steering whipper set out, no binding parts. bad bearing/bushings causing a hangup or tight spot.

if you setup works fine by hand with the front wheels off the ground, and the servo works fine when its not hooked up. then look for something binding or rubbing somewhere when it is all put together.

Is the steering running fast (Normal) with the tires off the ground and when you place it on the ground is slows?
What radio are you running with? Depending on the type you may be only getting 4.8v to the servo and in need of running a Y connector to bump the volts up to 6.0..
If your radio is allowing 6.0v your battery may be low. Do you have a VoltWatch to check the voltage of the battery is enough?
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Is the steering running fast (Normal) with the tires off the ground and when you place it on the ground is slows?
What radio are you running with? Depending on the type you may be only getting 4.8v to the servo and in need of running a Y connector to bump the volts up to 6.0..
If your radio is allowing 6.0v your battery may be low. Do you have a VoltWatch to check the voltage of the battery is enough?

Yes when I put them on the ground they slow.
I'm running a Futaba 3PK, and I'm using 6.0 volts.
I think that I need a voltwatch. Is there any cheap place to buy one ? In Europe ?

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I'm sure that the battery is fully charged.
Ok, I'll buy a volt watch to see if the batery is ok.

I think I found my problem, this is what I get when I removed the linkage between the servo and the wheel hub.


Don't know why this happen
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You have the front cable line on wrong. Reroute it to the back of the shocks.


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Yeah, I've done that.
But the wheels don't turn in the ground, and I have 2 friends with 2 FG with the same specs as mine, and their cars turn them.