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Yep that’s me! Don’t give a poop, what people want is expertise not opinions. We all know how that saying goes.

Anyway carry on with your clap trap diatribe, no one cares. 👍🏾
Too bad you do not practice what you preach. All I have seen from you is just opinions. If you are an expert why not prove it?
🤣🤣 Search my build threads moron.
I did and got bored. At least with your own posts you are not a total ass. Just boring. Anybody can slap a pile of poop together and claim to be an expert. Just wanted to give you appreciation for your expert advise you give to others. Thank you for your support. I feel much better now.
I did and got bored. At least with your own posts you are not a total ass. Just boring. Anybody can slap a pile of poop together and claim to be an expert. Just wanted to give you appreciation for your expert advise you give to others. Thank you for your support. I feel much better now.
🤣🤣🤣 You’re such a loser, does it take a lot of effort or does it just come natural? 😂
You get what you pay for end of discussion.

You cant polish a turd but you can roll it around in glitter, at the end of the day it’s still a turd.

Everyone is glad people have fun with 1/5th scales at all ends of the spectrum but don’t pretend cheap is as good or the same/ better than most expensive stuff.

A Hyundai is a car and it will get you from A to B. So is a Bugatti, that will also get you from A to B. One car costs more than the other the other can fit more stuff in it. Both are reliable and will do the legal limit, which is better? It’s not even a question but you see my
point. Cost isn’t the issue, quality is. Why am I even bothering to explain.🤔


To add, you could add 1000hp nitrous shot to a Hyundai, it still won’t compare to a Bugatti. Good is good & shite is shite.
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You get what you pay for end of discussion.

You cant polish a turd but you can roll it around in glitter, at the end of the day it’s still a turd.

Everyone is glad people have fun with 1/5th scales at all ends of the spectrum but don’t pretend cheap is as good or the same/ better than most expensive stuff.

A Hyundai is a car and it will get you from A to B. So is a Bugatti, that will also get you from A to B. One car costs more than the other the other can fit more stuff in it. Both are reliable and will do the legal limit, which is better? It’s not even a question but you see my
point. Cost isn’t the issue, quality is. Why am I even bothering to explain.🤔


To add, you could add 1000hp nitrous shot to a Hyundai, it still won’t compare to a Bugatti. Good is good & shite is shite.
To be fair you also don't need to pay $500,000 in parts and maintenance every 6 months in that Hyundai however my father owned a Hyundai and he hated it so much he didn't bother to put oil into it.
I think miles was saying people buy what they can afford. People that can afford a Bugatti can also afford to buy a hyundai but they choose to drive the more expensive car. I think moral of the story is clones sell because of the price point that's been brought up many times around here
I think miles was saying people buy what they can afford. People that can afford a Bugatti can also afford to buy a hyundai but they choose to drive the more expensive car. I think moral of the story is clones sell because of the price point that's been brought up many times around here
I know, I was bringing in some friendly banter.

Pretty sure that's false. Bugatti are expensive but not that expensive
Actually yeah unfortunately they are. I found out you have to replace the entire brake system after every 30k miles due to how it wears. The carbon fiber rims loose their shape after 60k miles and the tires are specifically made for the Bugatti making them cost $42000 per front tire. IDK the rear. The headers and turbos need replacing every 7k miles due to how hot they get. Literally melted. The engine straight up doesn't work without them due to the tune. It isnt easy going 260mph
I know, I was bringing in some friendly banter.

Actually yeah unfortunately they are. I found out you have to replace the entire brake system after every 30k miles due to how it wears. The carbon fiber rims loose their shape after 60k miles and the tires are specifically made for the Bugatti making them cost $42000 per front tire. IDK the rear. The headers and turbos need replacing every 7k miles due to how hot they get. Literally melted. The engine straight up doesn't work without them due to the tune. It isnt easy going 260mph
I've got news for you , nobody in this entire world has a Bugatti with 60k miles. Also if you can afford a 1.2m+ car that's the game you gotta play. Most of those sit in the garage.
By chance do you know how much is it to get the oil changed in one of those?:sneaky:
Funny thing. You need to bring it to a shop that specializes in changing oil in the Bugatti. Its around $21k the reason being is because you need to disassemble parts of the rear and frame to reach the filters which also requires specialized tools made by Bugatti themselves and only sold to a handful of people, I used to work at Raceway park in NJ and it was one of only 2 shops in NJ that was capable of doing it. The Insurance company REQUIRES you to pay a oil change insurance fee in order to get it done because the engine can be blown if done incorrectly.