Gluing and Un-Gluing Tires

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Lone Racer 🤠
Long Island NY
Had a rear tire fly off the rim last week and noticed it didn't have any foam underneath. I'm gonna order a pair of foams but don't know how to go about un-gluing the other tire, any thoughts?
Good luck my friend... they have a "debonding" solution for CA glue you can try. I tried the acetone in a container trick with no luck. And ive heard of baking and boiling... all are eh and is more trouble than its worth
I agree sean. If you wanna save the rims get a fresh xacto blade and have at it and use a dremel to clean up the bead area on the rims.. other than that one time use on tires
These FG tires and rims are soo damn expensive that I gotta try doing something on the cheep. Plus they don't make the Baja tires no more so I'm chit outta luck if I can't get unglued. I have a set of killer tires but one of the rims is fek'd. Pair of them babies is $144! Lmfao
How bad do you really want to save the wheels. I'ts a real mess and pain. Debonder works best but take a long time.
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I didnt have good luck with that. I read that its the vapor from the acetone that softens the glue 🤷‍♂️
It’s worked for me just make sure there submerge in the buck seal it with lid leave 1 to 2 days in there. This is the way I do it now don’t Do the oven way anymore. Been married to long now everthing is no now. The kitchen is her hobby room so that’s all good with me.
I've had good success with baking and boiling - I managed to remove MCD tyres off their rims, to place onto the alloy FG rims I had at the time and removed, with persistence, without damage.

There is risk of both burning your hands and deformation (of plastic rims) with the heating, so be careful if you wish to use plastic rims again.
