RCMax chassis swap and build

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Kinda limiting my time here ?? got other poop I want to do, clean my room, make money for projects, workout and become sexy as fek ???,ECT Now that it's summer I can actually do what I want.
You missed your chance at free money during the riots. Chicago was fertile ground with plenty of swanky shops to pilfer. Plus being gay, if you got caught you could scream discrimination. That shits a get out of jail free card now. Mask up and get busy.?
We've been over this. If you aint at least kinda rich, you don't move to the UAE. Its just not possible. Plus your rc room is larger than most living rooms, and has a closet twice the size of my bathroom. Quit lying rich boy.?
Yes we have been over this, and I ain't rich ?‍♂️?
Definitely ain't poor, but not rich. Probably middle class. I'd have a running alx if I was rich ?
Yes we have been over this, and I ain't rich ?‍♂️?
Definitely ain't poor, but not rich. Probably middle class. I'd have a running alx if I was rich ?
Sorry, not buying it. Middle class don't have homes like the one you're in, or live in the wealthiest country per capita ever seen. Being rich you're probably just a bit jaded to how us peasants live. But to be fair, you aren't rich, your parents are. I would guess at a minimum 250k pr year.
Sorry, not buying it. Middle class don't have homes like the one you're in, or live in the wealthiest country per capita ever seen. Being rich you're probably just a bit jaded to how us peasants live. But to be fair, you aren't rich, your parents are. I would guess at a minimum 250k pr year.
Naw m8, realistically i think they make around 150k. Maybe more if me mum has a good year for her business. An then I work for them an get me $$ ?
Btw, we don't own this house, we own the one in Texas (think we're selling it now ) but renting this house.
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Naw m8, realistically i think they make around 150k. Maybe more if me mum has a good year for her business. An then I work for them an get me $$ ?
Btw, we don't own this house, we own the one in Texas (think we're selling it now ) but renting this house.
Well, even if 150k is true, and I have my doubts it is, that would place you firmly in the top 2-3% I don't see how anyone could move to the UAE on 150k a year, not even sure it could be done on 250k a year. Still not sure why you'd deny the wealth your family has. Did someone tell you to be ashamed of success? If so, tell em to ? off. Its not your fault your parents made better choices than most people.?
Well, even if 150k is true, and I have my doubts it is, that would place you firmly in the top 2-3% I don't see how anyone could move to the UAE on 150k a year, not even sure it could be done on 250k a year. Still not sure why you'd deny the wealth your family has. Did someone tell you to be ashamed of success? If so, tell em to ? off. Its not your fault your parents made better choices than most people.?
I'm not ashamed at all, I just don't like false ? being thrown around ?‍♂️??
Z’s rents have the $$ 150/300k who cares. It’s obvious Z gets little to nothing out of that except free living and food day in day out LOL

If Z had money this kid would easily have a fully decked out $10,000 gold plated baja with some crazy Rcmax supreme engine with a shot of nos for go faster juice and God knows what else ??‍♂️
right now the poor kid gets stockings for filters and is making engine brackets Made out of tears and pieces of whatever he finds just laying around☠️ ???
Z’s rents have the $$ 150/300k who cares. It’s obvious Z gets little to nothing out of that except free living and food day in day out LOL

If Z had money this kid would easily have a fully decked out $10,000 gold plated baja with some crazy Rcmax supreme engine with a shot of nos for go faster juice and God knows what else ??‍♂️
right now the poor kid gets stockings for filters and is making engine brackets Made out of tears and pieces of whatever he finds just laying around☠ ???
Its all a big sham to throw us off. He's probably John Parks too.??
Alright let's leave zees,financial situation alone.
Everything these days has some future implications.
I've seen it happen,say something online and it can have real world consequences.
Such as student loans, etc.
Jus looking out for the little fella..
Big Brother was last spotted in your bushes. Quickly close the curtains and back away slowly. Best unplug the modem too, shits gettin real.???