The productive, law abiding Americans, are on their own.

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In south Africa the health minister ban the sale Cigarettes ? then she gets caught importing illegal tobacco products and selling them on the black market for x2-x3 the price?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️ dosent even loose her job?‍♂️ basically nothing will be done???
Alot say im nuts or a jerk for saying it. Yet I think public corruption should be a capital offense (death penalty in America). If you're so scummy you literally steal and lie to the entire country. These our the people who control our future, and they fek us all. How much worse can it get. Institute this policy and enforce it with a iron fist and corrupt will disappear, so we wouldn't have to execute many. It would be very rare anyway. That one law would help the entire population more than any other
I was raised mainly by my grandparents. We lived on a tiny little farm, dirt poor, and I mean if it didnt come from the farm we didnt need it. I really wanted for nothing. Times changed, I got adopted by my great parents, who also worked their asses off for what they have. I've always worked, first for my cousins dairy farm, then fir a small fab shop, then for the machine shop, where I got to travel the country fixing engines. I loved it, my wife threatening to leave woke my ass up. Changed jobs, so I could be at home. Now working for a small local municipality I have come to understand how things ought to be run. Our supervisors are all normal people, all who work normal jobs. At the meetings often times people come in to voice their opinions on what work were doing, when a road will get fixed, etc. We never go over budget and spend their money as wisely as we can. Literally working on the streets we get instant feedback from the residents. If something negative is said we report back to our manager and get him to reach out to said person and encourage them to call the supervisors and or come to the next meeting. Point being this is how our country many, many,many moons ago was ruled. A basic government working for the good of the whole. Now wwere so cought up in this mob state, sue happy morons, and the give me crowd I could puke. I've worked my ass off to get where I am, and loose sleep nightly anymore wondering what my children's life will be like. I fear things are about to get very bad. Between the protests that are now hitting our local counties, and the bold faced lies being shoved in everyone's faces, the normal moderate, conservative could in the rural ares have had enough. What lies next will be up to the morons still clinging to false hope and fluffy dreams of being taken care of for the rest of their lives. We were made to work, and earn our place in this world. Keep your powder dry my friends. Were about to need it.
I've worked my ass off to get where I am, and loose sleep nightly anymore wondering what my children's life will be like. I fear things are about to get very bad. Between the protests that are now hitting our local counties, and the bold faced lies being shoved in everyone's faces, the normal moderate, conservative could in the rural ares have had enough. What lies next will be up to the morons still clinging to false hope and fluffy dreams of being taken care of for the rest of their lives. We were made to work, and earn our place in this world. Keep your powder dry my friends. Were about to need it.

We are now overrun by those that have an overwhelming entitlement mentality. Completely and totally dominated by being taught to be perpetual victims.

I didn't have an easy go of a lot of things myself. I just decided to keep going forward and not stop. Not like I have another choice. That has worked so far.

It's easy to control people when you've convinced them they are victims.
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So the protesters in their unrivalled wisdom have been destroying statues recently. A few towns over is the birthplace of John Brown. Ill let any who don't know research him but in short, he's the man who kickstarted the civil war fighting slavery. It cost him his life. So the morons have taken down one of his statues in Torrington CT and destroyed it past the point of saving. Now the push is on to erase Robert E Lee from existence. Even though he is well known as having disdain for slavery, and only fought for the south because he believed in states rights, and he loved Virginia more than anything. Does anyone in the mob have a clue about our history? Are any intelligent enough to realise not everyone in the south was a bigot? Most fought simply because they saw the turn towards centralization of power, and new jts a bad jdea. Something I personally support to this very day. What the heck are kids taught in school these days? The country is overrun by a ignorant mob.?
So the protesters in their unrivalled wisdom have been destroying statues recently. A few towns over is the birthplace of John Brown. Ill let any who don't know research him but in short, he's the man who kickstarted the civil war fighting slavery. It cost him his life. So the morons have taken down one of his statues in Torrington CT and destroyed it past the point of saving. Now the push is on to erase Robert E Lee from existence. Even though he is well known as having disdain for slavery, and only fought for the south because he believed in states rights, and he loved Virginia more than anything. Does anyone in the mob have a clue about our history? Are any intelligent enough to realise not everyone in the south was a bigot? Most fought simply because they saw the turn towards centralization of power, and new jts a bad jdea. Something I personally support to this very day. What the heck are kids taught in school these days? The country is overrun by a ignorant mob.?
last wk end they toredown and dumped in the city docks the statue of the dude who built the Colston hall and was a famous slave tradeder from bak then here in bristol... :rolleyes:
bunch of feking uneducated twats?
last wk end they toredown and dumped in the city docks the statue of the dude who built the Colston hall and was a famous slave tradeder from bak then here in bristol... :rolleyes:
I seen that. I can understand not celebrating some people, but we cant erase our past. Nobody is perfect, and I assume it was quite easy to grow up racist at the time. It waz drilled into their heads nonstop, of course they would turn out that way. Some made great contributions to our society regardless of their shortcomings.

Take Mr Floyd as a example. Hes been rightly memorialized recently. Look into his past and you will see he assulted a pregnant women and robbed her. By todays standards he should be shunned and anyone who mentions his name should be labbled a women abuser. It makes zero sense.?‍♂️
I seen that. I can understand not celebrating some people, but we cant erase our past. Nobody is perfect, and I assume it was quite easy to grow up racist at the time. It waz drilled into their heads nonstop, of course they would turn out that way. Some made great contributions to our society regardless of their shortcomings.

Take Mr Floyd as a example. Hes been rightly memorialized recently. Look into his past and you will see he assulted a pregnant women and robbed her. By todays standards he should be shunned and anyone who mentions his name should be labbled a women abuser. It makes zero sense.?‍♂️
..yep. :rolleyes: ....problum.....reaction.....
soluation......?.....keep every one distractied while they slowly distory everything u ever knew☹...or thought u knew
..yep. :rolleyes: ....problum.....reaction.....
soluation......?.....keep every one distractied while they slowly distory everything u ever knew☹...or thought u knew
A very wise man (Thomas Sowell), one of the greatest minds of the 20th century said it best. Solutions don't exist, only tradeoffs. The morons known as intellectuals don't understand this concept, and think they can solve everything with zero adverse effects. For anyone who has never read Mr. Sowell, I highly recommend it. He has around 40 books and every single one is brilliant. He understands the worlds problems better than anyone. He's the man who molded my outlook on life.??
They defaced the monument dedicated to the black soldiers that fought in the Civil War. The "Glory" statue.

Many thousands died in the Civil War to put a righteous end to slavery. Many put there lives at risk to make sure the Underground Railroad continued to work. Go to Gettysburg and spend the night on a battlefield if you don't believe me. You will probably not be the same if you do.

These anarchists do not care what so ever for racial equality. They care about domination and control. Exercising your freedom as a person infuriates them. They are brainwashed to believe that the most horrific, oppressive, and brutal form of government is fair. Look up "Democide" if you want to see what comes next. Hundreds of millions dead. Russia, Cambodia, Germany, etc. All the same government order these people support.

But that doesn't fuel a politically loaded and sponsored race war, does it?
As I live in Pa and have been to Gettysburg several times. Once for a reenactment. After it was done we hung out for a wile waiting for the crowds to clear out. Quite eerie once the sun settles down. Sadly I've gotten in trouble down on a job in DC for wearing a t shirt I picked up at that event. I was working on a backup generator at a concrete plant. Swearing mu nats off. Took my work shirt off. One of the colored guys went and turned me in to his HR guy. Got told to leave the job, they have a zero tolerance policy for racism. Funny how a war fought to free people from slavery ends in people not knowing what that battle was about. Makes me sick to think how uneducated people are about this nation's history.
They tree of Liberty needs to be enriched by some commie blood! This is not about race. They are using a crisis like this to further their agenda of total control over the population and many are blind to it. Fascism and Communism are two sides to the SAME COIN! These brainwashed little muppets are just pawns and willing ones at that. You folks on the other side of the pond are dealing with a hostile Caliphate invading your countries and are in league with the socialists. All part of a master plan. It’s not conspiracy theory. It’s playing out before our eyes right now! It’s high time to crush this once and for all.
As I live in Pa and have been to Gettysburg several times. Once for a reenactment. After it was done we hung out for a wile waiting for the crowds to clear out. Quite eerie once the sun settles down. Sadly I've gotten in trouble down on a job in DC for wearing a t shirt I picked up at that event. I was working on a backup generator at a concrete plant. Swearing mu nats off. Took my work shirt off. One of the colored guys went and turned me in to his HR guy. Got told to leave the job, they have a zero tolerance policy for racism. Funny how a war fought to free people from slavery ends in people not knowing what that battle was about. Makes me sick to think how uneducated people are about this nation's history.
What was wrong with the shirt? Rebel insignia?
As I live in Pa and have been to Gettysburg several times. Once for a reenactment. After it was done we hung out for a wile waiting for the crowds to clear out. Quite eerie once the sun settles down. Sadly I've gotten in trouble down on a job in DC for wearing a t shirt I picked up at that event. I was working on a backup generator at a concrete plant. Swearing mu nats off. Took my work shirt off. One of the colored guys went and turned me in to his HR guy. Got told to leave the job, they have a zero tolerance policy for racism. Funny how a war fought to free people from slavery ends in people not knowing what that battle was about. Makes me sick to think how uneducated people are about this nation's history.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. What is happening now has happened before and will happen again and again. Humanity is too stupid for its own good.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. What is happening now has happened before and will happen again and again. Humanity is too stupid for its own good.
Make sure you vote if you want change. The vast majority of eligible voters don't. The vast majority who do are so uninformed they shouldn't. That goes for both sides of the isle. I use a few political forums too. One common trait plagues the left and right. Completely clueless voters. don't be afraid to vote blue if the red guy is scummy. Especially local, some dems are still reasonable decent people. Never become a party line voter, its dangerous. One party rule is the fastest way to corruption. Even if you don't always agree with them, opposition keeps politics a bit more honest. I personally can't stand either party. They're both the same only with different rhetoric. Im a diehard libertarian. Limited government is the answer to all our problems. Ronald Reagan was our last truly great potus.
What was wrong with the shirt? Rebel insignia?
Has both flags on the front of it says gettysburg, your death shall not be forgotten. And picture of the two sides down underneath the saying.

Idk about Reagan wasnt around for that. I do know there haven't been any in office worth a poop since I've been paying attention. I can just remember the first Bush. D bag, so was slick willy, 2nd bush, an obamer was a sleaze as well.
Has both flags on the front of it says gettysburg, your death shall not be forgotten. And picture of the two sides down underneath the saying.

Idk about Reagan wasnt around for that. I do know there haven't been any in office worth a poop since I've been paying attention. I can just remember the first Bush. D bag, so was slick willy, 2nd bush, an obamer was a sleaze as well.
We're close in age, im only 41. I read a lot about politics though, and Reagan had it right. He was a limited government, fiscal conservative. Started out as a dem, but after LBJ he realized it was no longer the same party, and left.
Make sure you vote if you want change. The vast majority of eligible voters don't. The vast majority who do are so uninformed they shouldn't. That goes for both sides of the isle. I use a few political forums too. One common trait plagues the left and right. Completely clueless voters. don't be afraid to vote blue if the red guy is scummy. Especially local, some dems are still reasonable decent people. Never become a party line voter, its dangerous. One party rule is the fastest way to corruption. Even if you don't always agree with them, opposition keeps politics a bit more honest. I personally can't stand either party. They're both the same only with different rhetoric. Im a diehard libertarian. Limited government is the answer to all our problems. Ronald Reagan was our last truly great potus.

I have always voted . I've never missed an election.
What burns my azz are the morons who do not vote and the brainwashed masses who throw away their votes to democrats that promise everything and give nothing.
21bb were 10 years apart. I'll be 32 this july.
@Rabidfox50 what should burn your piss more then the idiots voting, is the dead people, the illegal people, and all the fraud in between. I just found out tonight that half our counties ballots had to be recounted for our primary election. Apparently the machines didnt read some of them right, but gave a green light that all was fine. If this poop is happening in a primary. I cant wait till november. Drop off, and mail in ballot fraud is going to be outer space high this election cycle. Just watch. Already heard there are several west coast states asking for "volunteers" to go door to door and pick up ballots for November. don't need to tell you what states, and you can guess the pool they will be getting help from.
And if the idiots actually voting for free stuff isnt bad enough the people who couldn't be bothered to vote piss me off just as much. Some claim ignorance they don't understand the system and or politics. Some claim their vote wont matter. I can sympathize with that at least at the federal level. The stupid electoral college voting system make small rural red votes count for jack poop. Philly and Pittsburgh out number us 20 to 1 and they get to decide who runs the country. Makes me sick everytime I think about it. The EC was set in place to even out the big liberal cities vs the rural areas. Should be interesting to see what gets shifted around from this last census