Poo flingers club - enter at your own risk?

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Like I said hes like 3 states away.... so it's real tough to find time, in between work and the kids, and life in general. Sorry 21bb it's me not you. This long distance thing just isnt working out. But I know this kid. Loves sausage. Enter Zed the wonder boy...
Yeah must be tough, not being able to see ur boyfriend. But worry not! You can always FaceTime (maybe it should be called sausage time) each other every day ? who loves sausage? Me or 21bb ?
But honestly dose sound like you in the closet there Mr Sean? it's alright we won't judge you ????
Yes c'mon Sean, out with it. I came out and look, I'm perfectly fine ???
Tbh don't know what facetime is. Nor to be perfectly honest do I care. No closet here. Matter of fact none if the closets in the house have doors so yeah wide open lol. It is funny how 21bb keeps asking me over though.... must be my animal magnetism ?
Daaaamn he just admitted !!!!! Congratulations , hope I'm invited to the wedding ???️‍??