To oil or not to oil that is the question

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The alchemist ☠️
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alright so I remember a debate about what filter to oil ..pre filter or the actual air filter. Im hung up in my head with what really needs to be oiled here. My tgn redneck pre filter came with a little card saying it is important to keep it clean and oiled. And my uni air filter came with a card reading the same jargon. So for the love of God what really needs to be oiled here! From the nitro stand point the pre filter is dry and the inner foam is oiled. As of right now I have a dry pre filter and an oiled air filter...let's here it
alright so I remember a debate about what filter to oil ..pre filter or the actual air filter. Im hung up in my head with what really needs to be oiled here. My tgn redneck pre filter came with a little card saying it is important to keep it clean and oiled. And my uni air filter came with a card reading the same jargon. So for the love of God what really needs to be oiled here! From the nitro stand point the pre filter is dry and the inner foam is oiled. As of right now I have a dry pre filter and an oiled air filter...let's here it
Depends really. Some say oil the inner and not the outer (like HPI), some say both. I'd just do what the manufacturer recommends, I oil my redneck and inner filter ?‍♂️
I've run the HPI for 10 years now and I always oil the inner element. I oil the TGN redneck outer filter very lightly. It's so easy to clean and the oil adds an extra layer of protection. The inner HPI filters will eventually no longer be available, so the extra help from the oiled redneck helps to delay the inevitable. Rednecks are still widely available and much cheaper than the HPI filter set.

I run in very dusty and sandy conditions, I'd rather overdo it on the filer maintenance than have my engine suck down a mouthful of cylinder killing grit.
I oil both. Nothing wrong with the extra protection of the outer foam oiled. I also smear a small amount of grease around the inlet flange where the filter will clamp to so as to ensure NO fine dirt particles will get into the carb. Dirt/sand getting past the filter = blown crank bearings.
I oil both. I've been using this. No dirt in my motor. Good stuff.Screenshot_20201003-073748_Chrome.jpg
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