Boy did I pick the WRONG time to seek nitro

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Wtf? It's not gunna go bad. And is some 40 dollar rc fuel worth more than a 200k+ house or possibly a persons life? Doubt it. Anyways I'm outta here ✌ I made my point and you don't listen, like usual. Guess I should know better.
I’m the UK your insurance would be invalid for keeping accelerants in the house. You wouldn’t get a penny. Plus fuel vapour is super flammable and a static spark of your carpet could set it off in the right conditions.

Dude store your fuel outside, why risk burning your house down possibly with you amd your family in it, that is insane.
That is not what I said, i said put it in the fecking garage not in the damn house.
Wtf…. The garbage…. What
I’m the UK your insurance would be invalid for keeping accelerants in the house. You wouldn’t get a penny. Plus fuel vapour is super flammable and a static spark of your carpet could set it off in the right conditions.

Dude store your fuel outside, why risk burning your house down possibly with you amd your family in it, that is insane.
Yea but I can’t sore it in the tool sheds, they get wayyyyy to hot
I got it