DOOMS DAY Virus discussion thread AKA Oh Fek my phone is tapped ??‍♂️?

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ooooh....burn loot murder. ? ..i ment blm? r gonna go nuts at this vid....?
get ready for sum more chaos?
looks like its almost time to step up ????
and the ????r slowly wakin up "across" the world ?.......
wtf :oops: .....they r getting desperate now to keep this poop show rolling with the TV FEAR PORN??
no poop Sherlock .?..wat the fek did u fink was gonna happen ffs ?
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That kyle kid has feking balls of steel. 17 years old and in the face of a violent mob intent on killing him, What does he do? Plugs 3 of them killing 2 and taking ones arm almost off. He deserved a metal, not arrest. These retards are gonna get more of the same if they don't quit burning cities to the ground.?
hell yeah he does ?they aint gonna quit blm'in until everything is gone☹ they know most??? aint gonna do jack poop to them? they have been told to stand down an let it brun?...its gonna b down to u an ur?' the end?
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They actually arnt allowed to ask here in pa, the most they can do is ask you what you need and to wait in your vehicle for curbside pickup. Last person that asked me what I had, I told them it was non of their business, but I think it should clear up following the election this fall.
He walked towards the police with his rifle slung, not on the trigger, so thats false. The entire metro area broke curfew, funny only he's a criminal for it when he only went to stop rioters from destroying yet another city, but to be fair, sure he did that. He literally lived 20min away, hardly whats considered a out of state agitator. He did break the law by carrying at only 17 when he should have been 21, but he was arrested for it, and didn't fight the police when they did it. Guess what he didn't do? Fight the police. The white privilege part I should just leave alone, but im not gonna, because I find it to be nonsense. Since its in the context of police shootings, ill dispute it that way. If you don't want to be shot by the police, don't fight them. Show me this massive number of non whites being shot by the police who didn't fight them? When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I suppose my opinions are in the minority though, and Americans will continue buring cities to the ground. Funny how most of the rioters are white, and supposedly rioting in solidarity with blacks by burning down their communities throwing them into deeper poverty. I have a feeling most would rather not have your help, but perhaps im wrong.?‍♂️
He walked towards the police with his rifle slung, not on the trigger, so thats false. The entire metro area broke curfew, funny only he's a criminal for it when he only went to stop rioters from destroying yet another city, but to be fair, sure he did that. He literally lived 20min away, hardly whats considered a out of state agitator. He did break the law by carrying at only 17 when he should have been 21, but he was arrested for it, and didn't fight the police when they did it. Guess what he didn't do? Fight the police. The white privilege part I should just leave alone, but im not gonna, because I find it to be nonsense. Since its in the context of police shootings, ill dispute it that way. If you don't want to be shot by the police, don't fight them. Show me this massive number of non whites being shot by the police who didn't fight them? When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I suppose my opinions are in the minority though, and Americans will continue buring cities to the ground. Funny how most of the rioters are white, and supposedly rioting in solidarity with blacks by burning down their communities throwing them into deeper poverty. I have a feeling most would rather not have your help, but perhaps im wrong.?‍♂️

Sure Bro, choose this as your hill to die on. None of your so called "rioters" killed a living soul. Your little "hero" killed 2. Were he a black man with a rifle, he would have died before even given a chance to walk towards the police with his rifle slung, no finger on the trigger.

You don't live in one of those cities. You don't have the weight of experience of living as a minority in one of those cities. You likely don't even have anyone near you who can even speak to such experience, and yet you levy judgment on these people who are crushed under the weight of such inequity as if you are beyond such measure.

You will excuse me if I think you a fool until you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Sure Bro, choose this as your hill to die on. None of your so called "rioters" killed a living soul. Your little "hero" killed 2. Were he a black man with a rifle, he would have died before even given a chance to walk towards the police with his rifle slung, no finger on the trigger.

You don't live in one of those cities. You don't have the weight of experience of living as a minority in one of those cities. You likely don't even have anyone near you who can even speak to such experience, and yet you levy judgment on these people who are crushed under the weight of such inequity as if you are beyond such measure.

You will excuse me if I think you a fool until you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Are you kidding me? The death count from rioters is fast approaching 50, if it didn't already surpass that amount. A mob, some of whom have beaten people within a inch of their lives attacked this kid. He didn't go looking for people to shoot. The first tossed a molotov cocktail at him. Justified shootind, one tried to roundhouse his head while he was down. Justified shooting. Lastly one brained him with the edge of a skateboard. Once again, justified shooting. What the hell did you expect him to do? Just take a vicious beating? Let himself be set on fire? Allow the guy with the pistol to shoot him? Exactly what other options did you see him having? Those 3 morons went after the Darwin award and hit the jackpot. Also 2 victims were white, what happened to their "white privilege"?
I don't personally buy the white privilege stuff. I grew up dirt poor. If it didnt come off the farm it didnt happen. I've worked my arse off to get where I am. Not once in my life did someone say, hey your white here you go. I've also worked in some of the crappiest cities in the north east, where I was the minority. I cant once say the cops were out to get a specific color of person, they were pricks to everyone. Best part being the white guy, was particularly getting hated on by the colored cops in philly. You want to talk about looking over your shoulder? I've been detained just for being in an "area that was questionable" idk how the hell working on a generator for a hospital, grocery store or the like counts as working in a questionable area. I've literally been caught in the middle of gang shootings, where were the cops then? If you don't like your status, where you live, or your life in general, go do something about it. If you don't like your cops, go petition your local government to do something about it. We have a zero tolerance policy for local police treating anyone poorly for any reason. Doest matter, race, creed, sex or whatever else. If any of them were to commit a transgression it is taken very seriously, and even marked on their permanent record. I'll not condone needless violence, but you better bet your bottom dollar any mob shows up at my house, they will be met with force. I don't give a rats ass what color they are. People only take. being poked in the eyes so many times before poop hits the fan. Im.about the least racist person you've ever met, I friends in all walks of life, different races, and one is (not really my friend but very close with my wife) gay. I've never judged the content of a person based on what they look like, and will continue to try to believe most people are good. But you start this mob vandalism, burning down buildings, locking people in their houses, and trying to beat them, take what they have. You have crossed a line.
I don't personally buy the white privilege stuff. I grew up dirt poor. If it didnt come off the farm it didnt happen. I've worked my arse off to get where I am. Not once in my life did someone say, hey your white here you go. I've also worked in some of the crappiest cities in the north east, where I was the minority. I cant once say the cops were out to get a specific color of person, they were pricks to everyone. Best part being the white guy, was particularly getting hated on by the colored cops in philly. You want to talk about looking over your shoulder? I've been detained just for being in an "area that was questionable" idk how the hell working on a generator for a hospital, grocery store or the like counts as working in a questionable area. I've literally been caught in the middle of gang shootings, where were the cops then? If you don't like your status, where you live, or your life in general, go do something about it. If you don't like your cops, go petition your local government to do something about it. We have a zero tolerance policy for local police treating anyone poorly for any reason. Doest matter, race, creed, sex or whatever else. If any of them were to commit a transgression it is taken very seriously, and even marked on their permanent record. I'll not condone needless violence, but you better bet your bottom dollar any mob shows up at my house, they will be met with force. I don't give a rats ass what color they are. People only take. being poked in the eyes so many times before poop hits the fan. Im.about the least racist person you've ever met, I friends in all walks of life, different races, and one is (not really my friend but very close with my wife) gay. I've never judged the content of a person based on what they look like, and will continue to try to believe most people are good. But you start this mob vandalism, burning down buildings, locking people in their houses, and trying to beat them, take what they have. You have crossed a line.

LOL...once I tried applying for a job here in my area in the fields ,they wouldnt hire me because that I was white an didnt
speak Spanish!....:unsure:
It didnt bother me ,I did not like that type of work any way ,it is hot ,muggy & dirty work!.....:ROFLMAO:
LOL...once I tried applying for a job here in my area in the fields ,they wouldnt hire me because that I was white an didnt
speak Spanish!....:unsure:
It didnt bother me ,I did not like that type of work any way ,it is hot ,muggy & dirty work!.....:ROFLMAO:

As you know I'm in Oz but from here I fail to see how riots and destruction of innocent peoples property fixes anything.
There are peaceful demos here which is absolute stupidity in the middle of a pandemic but again what does blocking foads and stopping people fom going about their business achieve?
It certainly isn't going to make us like or agree with you.
As you know I'm in Oz but from here I fail to see how riots and destruction of innocent peoples property fixes anything.
There are peaceful demos here which is absolute stupidity in the middle of a pandemic but again what does blocking foads and stopping people fom going about their business achieve?
It certainly isn't going to make us like or agree with you.

I agree with you a 100%!.... (y)

We don't have this type of rioting an racial stuff like this going on in my area ,it seems to be more focused in the big cities & towns!

The way I see it ,it is never going to change ,an no one is going to prosper on this type of idiotsy when they put themselves
in front of that bullet!....:unsure:
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