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I have me a cat, her name is phumpa, she adopted us b cuz the original owners got another one that she didn't like, also the original owners were young kids so they were alittle bit rough with them but I wouldn't expect them to knew being very young, she never scratches or gets angry, kinda fat and lazy lol, also she is 7yrs old and she adopted us 4 yrs ago so we've had her for 4yrs1IMG_20181109_225146.jpgIMG_20181121_231031.jpgIMG_20181104_123215.jpgIMG_20180907_075930.jpgIMG_20181109_225139.jpgIMG_20181119_153922.jpg20180706_200808.jpgIMG_20180902_234425.jpg

also sometimes she tends to think shes the mom of use and sometimmes she thinks shes a person, like if u say hi to her she will respond, also likes the smell of pizza for sum reason, same with corn, she sits on couches, kitchen table chairs, ect, also she hates other cats and dogs just likes people. so essentially shes a human cat lol
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Shes the "amarican Shepard" but she comes from a good line. Both her parents made it to around 14 yrs with out major health issues. No hip issues that I know of either.
We have the same issue here though. Cant shake a stick without hitting a cardboard sign that says "puppy for sale"
Let me key you in on Sheppard, they need trained, and something to do. Had them all my life. I love the breed. They are very high energy, and super smart. If they get bored, they can get very destructive.... ask how I know..... I had mine in search and rescue for a wile. Then we had kids, still do nose work with her when we have time. The kids keep her wore down for the most part. When she dosnt have something to do chews.... everything. Drives me batty
Let me key you in on Sheppard, they need trained, and something to do. Had them all my life. I love the breed. They are very high energy, and super smart. If they get bored, they can get very destructive.... ask how I know..... I had mine in search and rescue for a wile. Then we had kids, still do nose work with her when we have time. The kids keep her wore down for the most part. When she dosnt have something to do chews.... everything. Drives me batty
+ loads of grooming ?
Let me key you in on Sheppard, they need trained, and something to do. Had them all my life. I love the breed. They are very high energy, and super smart. If they get bored, they can get very destructive.... ask how I know..... I had mine in search and rescue for a wile. Then we had kids, still do nose work with her when we have time. The kids keep her wore down for the most part. When she dosnt have something to do chews.... everything. Drives me batty
Ok yeah maybe not then ? huskys are pretty cute too ?