DOOMS DAY Virus discussion thread AKA Oh Fek my phone is tapped ??‍♂️?

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Just read, apparent Bay area San Francisco is on lockdown until April 7th. So i have no doubt the rest of us are coming soon enough.
In Oz it's 500 people
Sporting events etc cancelled.
50 people makes a lot more sense than 500.
Limit of 500 ain't Gunna do poop. Hell, 50 there's still a good chance of it spreading imo, 50 people go home, see their families, infect them, they go out , ect.
Let me say something. In times like these (if we get quartentined that is, which is pretty likely IMO), people, you know, get depressed or get into a funk of laziness. So i would suggest that you, in the free time, try tackling small or even large things that you didn't really haven't had time for in the normal days, like try making a new food, Doing a house project, or whatever it could be, gives you a "yay look at that! I did that!" Type of feeling. Spend time with you family. All that type of stuff to keep yourself occupied and out of a funk/depression ? alot of you have kids and stuff but for those who don't or who older kids im sure this could maybe help u ?
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Still not seeing this uncontrolled spread they harp about. I can't say what numbers are legit, as it seems every source is different. But to me it seems the spread, atleast globally, has slowed drastically. Am I missing something? Even in the USA, where the virus is fairly new, the new cases seem to be coming in at a trickle. Mabey im just a stubborn nub, but I still struggle to take this seriously. Sure its serious to those who die from it, but the numbers just don't seem to jive with the hysteria level. Not even close imo.
Still not seeing this uncontrolled spread they harp about. I can't say what numbers are legit, as it seems every source is different. But to me it seems the spread, atleast globally, has slowed drastically. Am I missing something? Even in the USA, where the virus is fairly new, the new cases seem to be coming in at a trickle. Mabey im just a stubborn nub, but I still struggle to take this seriously. Sure its serious to those who die from it, but the numbers just don't seem to jive with the hysteria level. Not even close imo.
Obviously it is over hyped. It isn't that bad in the US. But we shouldn't take it lightly and let it spread. Maybe they are over reacting (talking abt the government, media can go fek emselves as they are always chatting poop) but it's better than to let it spread more and then we end up like italy.
Not really into the conspiracy theory stuff. We got a problem that needs to be solved, and that's all i really care about tbh ?
if u listen to msm u r not getting the full story..?...this was planned out alooong time ago.....?..thinning the heard lets say....old people r costing too much €£$ to look after now...?.....there's so many agendas at play here u wouldn't belive?....
I did hear that. Something about the government taking out the old people so they don't have to pay pension or summin ?
thats if its even a pandemic ?
seriously....if u thk ur gov gives a poop about u/ur family/anyone....ur sorely mistaken ☹...they've allowed this spread as per planned.....
chk this sight out...and there 2025 population figures ....big drops :oops:
makes u wonder how they can "predict" info like this....?...
this 'could' b the nx 9/11 event to claw away at the few freedoms we have left as humans....they'll use this to put more laws into place...mandatory id's..more big brother police state ect ect...slowly pushing it the way they want it togo....
how convenient....a 'what if' drill on exactly what's happening now
this was bak in oct 2019....coincident.:unsure:..I thk not...:rolleyes:
jus the same as the "war games" being played on 9/11....which conveniently went live with the hi jackers... :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO: ....and the so called "bomb drill" on 7/7 in London....which again... the terrorist picked the very same day they were doing the drill to "blow" things up......hhmm.....yeah ok.... jus pure coinincidents im sure....ffs:rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
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The flu can be lethal to the very young, old and immuno-compromised. Getting the flu shot is a literal life saver for those folks. You're still young and healthy, so of course it should be seen as optional.

The flu vaccine doesn't guarantee that you won't still catch it (50%), but it can definitely reduce the symptoms by a large margin.

The flu shot is exceedingly inexpensive, and available at pharmacies and standalone medical facilities like ZoomCare.

I don't disagree that today's antiseptic parenting methods leave many people's immune systems a bit weaker than they should be, but to use that as an argument against vaccination is a false narrative.
Vaccinations are great. All my kids have been vaccinated.
thats if its even a pandemic ?
seriously....if u thk ur gov gives a poop about u/ur family/anyone....ur sorely mistaken ☹...they've allowed this spread as per planned.....
chk this sight out...and there 2025 population figures ....big drops :oops:
makes u wonder how they can "predict" info like this....?...
this 'could' b the nx 9/11 event to claw away at the few freedoms we have left as humans....they'll use this to put more laws into place...mandatory id's..more big brother police state ect ect...slowly pushing it the way they want it togo....
how convenient....a 'what if' drill on exactly what's happening now
this was bak in oct 2019....coincident.:unsure:..I thk not...:rolleyes:
jus the same as the "war games" being played on 9/11....which conveniently went live with the hi jackers... :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO: ....and the so called "bomb drill" on 7/7 in London....which again... the terrorist picked the very same day they were doing the drill to "blow" things up......hhmm.....yeah ok.... jus pure coinincidents im sure....ffs:rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
Thats it, im building a bunker?. Not sure I believe all that. The sad part is I don't 100% find it absurd either. I just think if they wanted to shrink the population, they could do better than this.
What we must all still do is support our favorite online shop ie DDM
and any other RC spots you like to visit ? last thing we need is these good people to go out of business? infact we should so all we can to help small businesses to weather the storm?
Would love to, but had a rather rough go these past few months. Taxes 10k+, mil 2500 and counting. Dogs stomach turned 8k, tractor 12k. And now buisness is dreadful slow. This stupid "pandemic" couldn't have hit at a worse time. The economy was great, so seemed a good time to make larger purchases. Murphy kicked me square in the nutz.