DOOMS DAY Virus discussion thread AKA Oh Fek my phone is tapped ??‍♂️?

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I have never had a flu shot and probably won't for many years to come.I am also a lifelong type 1 diabetic so I am not the most healthy person out there but I rarely get sick maybe once a year or sometimes it skips a year.I get the flu but it makes me sick for day or two and then I am good to go.I think part of the problem now is peoples immune systems are a bit weaker due to anti-bacterial overload and there are sooo many vaccines now.I may be an idiot but I look at the immune system like a boxer that needs to stay in shape and spar/box to keep in fighting form and I think the immune system needs to be attacked from time to time to keep functioning at 100%.I am not saying go out and start licking public toilets but you don't need to wipe your kids down as soon as they step in the house with clorox wipes.

+1 never really get sick ? never had a flu shot .......will never
+1 make ur immune system work
-1 diabetic ?
I have never had a flu shot and probably won't for many years to come.I am also a lifelong type 1 diabetic so I am not the most healthy person out there but I rarely get sick maybe once a year or sometimes it skips a year.I get the flu but it makes me sick for day or two and then I am good to go.I think part of the problem now is peoples immune systems are a bit weaker due to anti-bacterial overload and there are sooo many vaccines now.I may be an idiot but I look at the immune system like a boxer that needs to stay in shape and spar/box to keep in fighting form and I think the immune system needs to be attacked from time to time to keep functioning at 100%.I am not saying go out and start licking public toilets but you don't need to wipe your kids down as soon as they step in the house with clorox wipes.
100% agree. If you're not exposed to germs, you get sick far more often. I rarely get sick, and ive been known to go from a plumbing job straight to lunch. The whole idea of a vaccine is mild exposure to build antibodies. I get my exposure the natural way.?
The world gets scarier every day.People today say how far we have come as a society in the last 30 or so years and I am not defending him one way or another but they blame Trump for just about everything and I can remember when I was a kid my parents let me stay out till 10 at night running around the neighborhood like a little delinquent and they had no worries there were tons of neighbors that we knew personally and knew kept an eye out for ALL the kids in the neighborhood and to me it seemed like there was less racism and the immigration problems we are having now were around then the only difference is we were enforcing legal immigration.There was no news of all these illnesses coming into the country from other places and we have to remember that there are thousands of Canadians coming over weekly and thousands of US citizens going to Canada everyday with no screening happening and it was the same back then.Just my .02c not trying to turn this into something it is not but I think the whole open border thing is pure stupidity.
Update: in the past 7 days, every single job I had booked for the month of March and April has cancelled and some of may as well. It looks like the advice to have 6 months pay in savings was a good shout. To say I’m financially panicking would be an understatement...
Good luck to you. Everyone is slowing down a lot. Our shop and phones are silent as the grave. Gonna have to start pimping Z out if it goes on to long. ?
They closed our model rc airfield from today on. It is big enough that noone needs to get close to anyone....
I let my large scale buggy rip there today. Nobody said anything about gas buggys. :D And yes I was alone.
I have never had a flu shot and probably won't for many years to come.I am also a lifelong type 1 diabetic so I am not the most healthy person out there but I rarely get sick maybe once a year or sometimes it skips a year.I get the flu but it makes me sick for day or two and then I am good to go.I think part of the problem now is peoples immune systems are a bit weaker due to anti-bacterial overload and there are sooo many vaccines now.I may be an idiot but I look at the immune system like a boxer that needs to stay in shape and spar/box to keep in fighting form and I think the immune system needs to be attacked from time to time to keep functioning at 100%.I am not saying go out and start licking public toilets but you don't need to wipe your kids down as soon as they step in the house with clorox wipes.
I totally agree. I too have never had a flu shot and don't get sick often. I don't understand why all of a sudden people cant get sick for a few days then continue with life. I think the flu shot is a money maker for doctors and that's it.
I totally agree. I too have never had a flu shot and don't get sick often. I don't understand why all of a sudden people cant get sick for a few days then continue with life. I think the flu shot is a money maker for doctors and that's it.

The flu can be lethal to the very young, old and immuno-compromised. Getting the flu shot is a literal life saver for those folks. You're still young and healthy, so of course it should be seen as optional.

The flu vaccine doesn't guarantee that you won't still catch it (50%), but it can definitely reduce the symptoms by a large margin.

The flu shot is exceedingly inexpensive, and available at pharmacies and standalone medical facilities like ZoomCare.

I don't disagree that today's antiseptic parenting methods leave many people's immune systems a bit weaker than they should be, but to use that as an argument against vaccination is a false narrative.
Hey Clorox your own kids. Mine get just as dirty if not worse then me. I grew up on a little beef farm, we worked hard and played hard. Hell I didnt even know what a daily bath was till I was in school. Were way too clean, too eager to run to the dr to get the proverbial band aid. Guess what I'm saying is I agree 100% with you guys.
Hey Clorox your own kids. Mine get just as dirty if not worse then me. I grew up on a little beef farm, we worked hard and played hard. Hell I didnt even know what a daily bath was till I was in school. Were way too clean, too eager to run to the dr to get the proverbial band aid. Guess what I'm saying is I agree 100% with you guys.

Totally! Let the buggers eat dirt!

Same as you, I grew up half the time on farm and the other half in a city. Both places we were always outside getting dirty without a single bleach towel or hand sanitizer in sight.

Hell we were lucky to get peroxide when we crashed and burned.
Hey Clorox your own kids. Mine get just as dirty if not worse then me. I grew up on a little beef farm, we worked hard and played hard. Hell I didnt even know what a daily bath was till I was in school. Were way too clean, too eager to run to the dr to get the proverbial band aid. Guess what I'm saying is I agree 100% with you guys.
Im a germaphobe thanks to all the cleanliness stuff ?
Little update, guess I'll be a partial stay at home dad for the next two weeks. Just got an email from our daycare they are shut down. Now all nonessential business were asked to close. Fortunately I'll be the only one needing to take vacation as my wife works 3 double shifts and I just started back on 10 hr days and don't work weekends.
Illinois has reached 105 cases now. Buisnesses And gatheringsof 50 or more people are to be canceled.
The ban applies to gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, private clubs and theaters, . It doesn’t apply to grocery stores, hospitals, pharmacies, gas stations banks or shelters. So yeah. We kinda fekd ?‍♂️ wonder if post offices are effected??